Note from author

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Dear all,

I am so sorry to be taking so long to update but this time of the year is quite hectic with gathering and festivities. I prefer to spend time with the family than typing on the laptop:-) I promise I will update ''Find me'' very soon, I am definitely working on it.

I haven't watched Demet's new series, the first episode aired on 25th December. Based on the long and complex title for non-Turkish speakers, I doubt Turkish producers have really understood the success of Turkish dizis and of Demet overseas.... I saw the trailers and some parts and sadly,  I am not going to be watching it. The number one thing that annoyed me in EK was how Sanem's life was repetitively screwed up directly by her parents/family and by herself because of traditions and obligations. It seems this entire story is based on the main character being pulled between her obligations to her 2 families.... so really, I would rather stick pins in my eyes than have to stomach another character being unable to live his/her life. I am gutted as Demet is showing so much talent in this dramatic role. 

Finally, we haven't seen much of Can Yaman which I think is for the best and he is teaching a lesson to those nasty ''reporters'' who shot themselves in the foot. Since you are writing lies, no you don't get a word! I am not a facebook user much, more on Instagram and a few people seemed to be quite mad at the other EK actors for not supporting him, but to be fair, apart from Demet and Anil, Can has never followed his other EK costars, nor been seen with them on backstage or private photos. So , it is fair to assume, they just were not friends with him... I also heard that the actress who played Ayhan posted something nasty but I couldn't get it... oh well... all in the past now and I am really glad, he had a proper break, off to the army and then who knows?? I think he should go and start an acting career in Italy, he would make more money and have way more flexibility in his roles as no State censorship!!! They say he might present Survivor, I hope not... B grade job...

OH! One more thing, someone needs to re-look Ibo, Demet's new partner!!! The guy dresses like he's going fishing!??! LOL

Anyway, I miss you all and wish you a very happy and healthy new Year!! xxx

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