Chapter 31: New Students and Old Creatures

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or The Last Airbender.



"Bijū/spirit talking"

"Bijū/spirit thinking"

(Location: Western Air Temple)

Zuko, Azula, and Aang stood on a balcony. It had been a full day since the assassin attacked and now, the two exiles were ready to begin teaching their student. "I know you're nervous." Zuko told Aang. Both he and his sister stood across from the Avatar. "But remember, Firebending in it of itself is not something to fear."

"Okay." Aang said, taking a breath. "Not something to fear."

"But if you don't respect it, it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry komodo rhino!" He shouted, making the Air Nomad flinch back.

"Was that really necessary, Zuko?" Azula asked her brother while also keeping an eye at their student (who looked like he was about to jump out of his skin).

"Hey, our teachers did it to us. We might as well do it to our student."

She rolled her eyes before looking at Aang. "Show us what you got." She ordered him. "Any amount of fire you can make."

He took a couple of deep breaths, took a stance, and tried to bend fire. What he got was a puff of smoke. "Maybe I need a little more instruction." He said apologetically. "Perhaps a demonstration?"

She sighed. "If you insist," She said. "You might wanna take a few steps back." He did and she took a stance. She breathed in deep and threw out a punch, trying to bend fire. She did Firebend. It was just a very small fire, which wasn't even blue. Aang applauded at her attempt until she glared at him.

"What was that?" Zuko asked her. "That was the worst Firebending I've seen!" He had seen his sister do much, much better.

"I thought it was...nice." Aang offered with a weak smile.

"You think yours is any better?" She asked her brother, ignoring the Airbender. He took his stance and tried three times, getting the same results as her.

"Why is this happening?!" He demanded.

"Maybe it's the altitude?" Aang suggested, rubbing his head.

"Yeah, could be." He agreed. They went lower in the temple. When they found a suitable spot, both Azula and Zuko tried to Firebend again, only getting small flames. Azula's flames still weren't blue, they were orange. Aang sat on a broken pillar and yawned in boredom. "Just breathe and..." Zuko said as he tried again. Once again, he only got a small flame.

"That one kinda felt hot." Aang said, sitting up from where he had briefly laid down.

"Don't patronize me!" He snapped. "You know what's supposed to look like!"

"Sorry, Sifu Hotman," The Air Nomad apologized.

"And stop calling me that!"

"Why should he?" Azula asked with a small smirk on her lips. "It works."

He turned to face his sister. "You do realize that means you're Sifu Hotwoman, right?" She lost the smirk and returned her focus to trying to bend.

Sokka came walking by, eating an apple. "Hey, guys." He said in greeting. "How's it coming?"

"Go away." Azula told him. He being there would not help them in any way.

"I was just wondering."

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