Chapter 33: Riots and Getting out

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or The Last Airbender.



"Bijū/spirit talking"

"Bijū/spirit thinking"

(Location: Gondola tower)

"Line them up for the warden!" One of the warden's guards ordered. The prisoners were moved into a line. They were eight in all, Hakoda included.

Both Sokka and Azula made their way up to the gondola tower. "Dad..." Sokka said as he saw his father standing in the line.

"We don't have all day here, Sokka." Azula told him pointedly. They needed to move into sight.

"Right," He said. They both moved forward towards the guards. "Excuse us, coming through. The warden wants us over there. Sorry." He told the other guards and they made their way into the line of guards.

"Welcome to the Boiling Rock." The warden said to the prisoners, walking down the line. "I'm sure you've all heard the horrible rumors about our little island. Well, I just want to tell you that they don't have to be true, as long as you do everything I say." He stopped in front of Hakoda. "Look me in the eye when I'm talking to you."

"No." He answered, moving his eyes away.

"Oh? You'd rather take a look at my shoes? Then take a look!" He lifted his foot and brought it down on the handcuffs, making Hakoda fall to the ground. "I know exactly who you are, Hakoda of the Water Tribe. So strong-willed, but don't worry, we'll get rid of that in time. Now look me in the eye!" The captured Water Tribe chief raised his head and looked him in the eye. "See? Isn't that better?" He turned to look at the other prisoners. "You will all do as I say or pay the price. You will all—" He was interrupted when Hakoda lifted one of his hands and tripped him, making him fall to the ground. It also made both Sokka and Azula sniggered behind covered mouths.

"Are you okay, sir?" One of the guards asked him.

"I'm fine!" He told them, standing up. "Bring those prisoners to the railing. I have something to shown them." Everyone went over to the railing, even the guards. What they saw made Azula tighten her grip on the rail. Chained to a whipping post, without a shirt, was Naruto. "I assume you know who that man down there is." The warden said. "For those of you who don't, he was Naruto, Paragon of the Fire Nation and bodyguard to Princess Azula. Now he is a traitor and a prisoner. A few days ago, he had attacked one of my guards. This is his punishment."

The guard standing next to Naruto bent his fire into the shape of a whip. And then, to the horror of the prisoners as well as Azula and Sokka, he whipped Naruto's back, ten times. Each time the whip slapped across his back, they could see his body shudder in response. He had nothing to bite down on, so everyone could hear his screams of pain when the whip cracked and struck him. Azula began to tremble in rage as she watched it happen. "Mai's uncle or not, I am going to kill the warden!" She thought to herself.

Finally, when the whipping was done, Naruto's chains were unshackled and fell to the ground unconscious. None of the guards had bothered to catch him as he fell. They just dragged him away. "That was the new punishment for disobedient prisoners, with direct permission from the Fire Lord. I trust you gentlemen understand the ramifications of that?" The warden asked the prisoners before looking at one of the guards. "Get them out of my sight." He ordered before walking away. As the guards led the prisoners away, Sokka and Azula slipped away.

(Location: Hakoda's cell)

He sat down on the bedding with his head between his hands. When he heard the door open, he looked up and saw a guard standing against the door. "Thank goodness you're okay." The guard said.

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