Chapter 40: Dueling and Leaving

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or The Last Airbender.



"Bijū/spirit talking"

"Bijū/spirit thinking"

A/n: Harris2435 here, I've got be honest, this is one of my favorite chapters in this story, I hope you enjoy it.

(Location: Konoha Arena)

As most of the crowd in the stands looked down at the field, those who knew the person Kabuto had summoned were in a rage. "How can he be that heartless?" Tsunade demanded.

"We knew he would use the Edo Tensei, we just didn't know who he would use." Jiraiya said. "We didn't know who he would summon."

"I must admit, it was a good move on Orochimaru's part." Ōnoki said with a smirk on his face. "It was quite clever too."

"That ain't right, old man. You say that again, I'll bust your head open like an egg going to the pan." Killer Bee threatened him.

"Raikage, restrain your brother. I am appalled as well, but I'm willing to admit the brilliance of what he did." The Tsuchikage said with an indifferent tone in his voice, which only seemed to make Bee even more angrier.

"Bee, calm down," A ordered his brother.

"I can't calm down, brother." The man protested. "For doing something like that, I want to tear that snake another."

"You're not the only one, Bee. Now calm down."

"Just who the hell is that woman?" Kankurō asked, looking at everyone else there. "Why is she making you all so pissed off?"

"Be respectful!" The Raikage snapped. "That is Kushina Uzumaki!"

"Well, who is Kushina Uzumaki?! Somebody please, give me a straight answer!"

"She was the wife of the Yondaime Hokage." Baki answered his student's question. "She died with him on the tenth of October, the day Naruto Uzumaki was born."

When he heard that little tidbit of information, he connected the dots and realized what that meant. "Oh fuck." Those two words summed up the entire situation perfectly.

"That's his mother?!" Katara repeated, horrified as she looked down at the dead woman standing in the field.

"That's what I just said, isn't it!?" Jiraiya replied, still glaring daggers at his former teammate.

"That bastard!" roared an outraged Kiba.

Azula sat in silence, looking down at the woman standing in front of the coffin. "She's the same woman I met in my dreams after we had gotten out of the swamp." She thought to herself. "She really was his mother."

"How can he do something like that?" Hinata asked.

"Very easily, it appears." Shino told her. While he was just angry as the rest of them, he still remained in control of himself.

"This is entirely unyouthful!" Lee declared.

"This is what Orochimaru does." Neji told his teammate, anger and cold fury lacing his voice.

"Is there any way for us to down to the field?" Suki asked the shinobi beside her. They had to get down to the field and help their friends.

"If there was, I would already be down there." Jiraiya told her.

"Well, Naruto." Orochimaru said with gleeful cruelty. "How does it feel, knowing you'll have to fight your mother?"

"His mother!?" repeated both Zuko and Sokka in shock and horror when they heard those words. But once they took a closer look, they could see some of the resemblances between the two of them.

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