Chapter 1 Time Untime

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Okay this is my first ever fanfic with darkhunters and shadowhunters, I hope you like it and all the characters goes to Cassandra Clare and Sherrilyn Kenyon. Now sit back, enjoy and welcome to Carnival Night, first chapter


Magnus strolled around in New Orleans, it was the third Mardi Gras ever and the year was 1838. The streets were littered with food, something’s that Magnus never wish he would touch and a couple of people sat at the sidewalk. It was in the early mornings of the last day and Magnus head ached and he thought he was going to end up sleeping in some random place nearby when he stumbled into someone. A tall, dark haired stranger whom started at him with silvery swirly eyes that made Magnus want to kiss him. He didn’t though, the eyes was just a trade mark for the stranger to be noticed as a warlock just as Magnus was noticed by his cat eyes that now glowed in the shimmering sun that started going up at the horizon.

   “Excuse me sir but could you point me to the nearest tavern?” Magnus smiled lightly and leaned in to the stranger, slightly losing his foothold and stumbled.

   Mr. Tall, dark and mysterious caught him and turned him in the right direction. “Stay away from the daimons if you please and don’t start any havoc in the present of the mundane.”

   As Magnus walked along he didn’t noticed that Mr. Tall, dark and mysterious had told him something really different from the normal warlocks, there where no such things as daimons, only demons right?


The year was 1898 and now the streets were full of dancing drunk people, multicolored strings of glass beads and happy colored paper-confetti. Magnus stumbled along to the music that was faint but still could be heard through the streets of New Orleans. As Magnus turned into a new street he once again walked into someone tall, dark haired and mysterious with swirling silvery eyes. This was the second time in New Orleans but the tenth that this man had saved Magnus from some kind of trap, street boxing or trouble with demons with blond hair and gorgeous eyes which the man of coursed called daimons.

   “You could at least give me your name.” Magnus said angrily as the man steered him away from a drunken bar fight.

   “Acheron.” The man snapped and tried to avoid touching Magnus.

   “I’m not that smelly am I? it was that mundane girl that spilled that wine wasn’t it? She ruined my happy suit!” Magnus said and looked down at his suit, which was a mixed of red, pink, blue, green and some kind of glitter, which fitted Magnus eyes perfectly.

   “Happy indeed and ruined.” Acheron said still not touching him but ushering him around like some kind of weird butler. “And you don’t smell otherwise I wouldn’t walk this close to you.”

   “Do you have some kind of trouble being around me? Haven’t you met other warlocks or something?” Magnus said leaning in and laying a hand on Acherons arm, he couldn’t reach to his shoulder, which Magnus had intended.

   “Please don’t.” Acheron said and backed away.

   “Know what Ash, if I may call you that. I’m tired of this; I have had enough people afraid and backing away from me. If you don’t want to be around me fine but can you stay away from me for good?”

   “You know nothing of heartbreak little warlock, nor of the world you live in. Come back when you have wished to die every morning of your entire life. Come back when you have had been found guilty of murdering your sister whom was the only one to ever love you. Come back after being thrown away by your family to become...” Acheron choked on his words and started going away leaving Magnus alone by the side of the street.

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