Chapter 6. First meeting with Dark Hunters

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”I can’t even pronounce his name!” Alec said with sad eyes as he looked over at Magnus who was walking while whistling the song Sweet Home Alabama. “Couldn’t we find that Carrie Rae?”

   “You don’t need to know how to pronounce it as long as I can it we will do just fine.” Magnus went back to the song, they where walking in the warm Mississippi weather and Alec felt like he was taking a bath with Satan.

   “Tell me again why we are here?”

   “I told you I have a magic block.”

   “And you can’t undo it alone?”

   “No Alexander I can not. That’s the thing with magic blocks, they block your magic.” Magnus sounded irritated but he shot a smile at Alec when they arrived in front of a small black house. The house even looked like Satan was supposed to open the door and start dancing while fire was spread on the front lawn. Of course that didn’t happen but Alec was surprised when a tall slender woman opened the door, he felt his stomach twist which meant that she was a demon. Her long black hair was shiny and her black clothes was really tight. He thought of Isabelle, his sister, but dismissed the thought when the she-demon started to talk.

   “Now the Simi doesn’t like to invite strangers to meet her Akri but this is Magnus Bane and he usually give the Simi her sparklies, do you have anything for me?”

   “I’m so sorry Simi all I got is this.” Magnus said as he handed her a golden ring with a big diamond on top of it. The demon, Simi squealed and held up the door for them.

   “So this is where Acheron lives? What kind of name is Acheron?” Alec said out loud when he entered the house with a sick feeling in his stomach.

   “Don’t you dare say that about my Akri! I will eat just you wait and let me get my barbeque sauce!” The Simi looked angry, very angry, kind of like the vampire Alec had slayed last night for eating a little kid.

   “No Simi you stay where you are.” The voice came from behind them, when Alec turned his blue eyes meet silvery once. The silver moved around and it was like looking at melted silver, Alec thought.

   “Ash!” Magnus said with a smile. “I’m so happy that you could met me, it’s the block again, I have no idea why it keeps coming back.”

    Acheron, or Ash as Magnus had called him was tall, ridiculously tall. He had dark long hair; it looked like Simi’s hair Alec thought. But this man was raw… man. Even though Alec was in a happy relationship with Magnus and he loved him, he couldn’t shake the feeling of that he wanted to have a dirty time with Ash. That feeling made Alec even sicker and all he wanted to do was wait outside in the warmth. He rather slayed a thousand demons than stay in here. It’s not that Ash was rude or anything like that it was just the feeling Alec had that something with the tall man was really really wrong.

    “You block it with your feelings, has anything new popped into your life?” Ash said guiding them into the living room, now Ash was really not the type to say popped in, Alec looked at Magnus who glanced at Alec before answering that nothing new had happened. “It won’t do it easier if you’re not answering the question warlock.”

   “Except for a few new… romantic influence nothing new has happened.” Magnus glanced at Alec again who was now searching Ash’s books for something interesting. You could clearly see that Magnus cared far more for Acheron than the other way around. But they where just friends, nothing more.

   “Young Shadowhunter could you come over here?”

   Alec turned to Ash; he nodded and went to stand in front of him. “What is it?”

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