Chapter 5. Chocolate

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“Chocolate?” Alec asked as he watched Magnus pick up strawberries and liquid chocolate from their picnic basket. They where in Central Park sitting by the threes where no one could see them except for bugs and insects.

   “What else did you expect? I’ve had cravings for this since we got away with that cat hex. I wasn’t just Chairman Meow who got disturbed with it.” Magnus explained dipping his finger in it and liking it of. “It’s not like I was going to bring normal stuff like soda and cake and sandwiches. That is cat food, we’re not cats anymore.”

   “So what did you bring, if you don’t count the strawberries and chocolate? And just so you know you where kind of cute as a white cat.”

   “I brought some alcohol, chocolate, some raspberries and blueberries, whip cream, chocolate, candy mostly liquorish and chocolate.” Magnus said thoughtfully before dipping his finger in the chocolate and licking it of again. He clearly avoided the cat subject.

    “Chocolate is candy and I hope to god that everything in that basket isn’t covered in chocolate.”

   “It’s not, right now anyway.” Magnus chuckled and dipped his finger a third time but this time he stretched his finger to Alec who smiled before slowly licking it of Magnus’ finger.  “See now that didn’t kill you.”

   “I never said it would.” Alec answered calmly and laid down on the blanket that Magnus had placed under them, above them was the evening sky of New York. It wasn’t chilly since it was in the middle of summer but Alec still felt something missing, his hand went over his parabati rune and then his eyes locked with Magnus who was now leaning over him. He had put chocolate on his lips and was smiling. Alec laughed and kissed him, pulling Magnus against his body. Magnus tasted of chocolate of course but also vanilla and something sweet that Alec couldn’t really say what it was. Magnus’ fingers played with his hair and Alec’s hands traveled up his boyfriends t-shirt making him chuckle sending a nice wave of vibration through Alec’s lips.

   Magnus inched away from Alec and took up a strawberry dipped it in chocolate and ate it. “You know it taste better if you share it with someone.” He said hoarsely with a smile, Alec shook his head with a smile and sat up next to Magnus. Magnus put his arm around Alec’s shoulder with a smile and took a new strawberry covered in chocolate.

   “I never liked chocolate before.” Alec said taking a bite from the berry.

   “You’re going to love it from now on.” Magnus smiled slowly feeding him.

   They sat like that for what felt like forever, they saw the sunset and how the stars started coming out and they still hadn’t eaten everything. The strawberries were gone and most of the chocolate to, Alec was lying down again with chocolate on his cheek where Magnus had put it after they started a food war. Magnus was eating blueberries, which painted his lips blue.

   “You okay babe?” Magnus asked after a while.

   “I don’t know I never quiet like the way babe sounds.” He said with a frown as he stared at Orion’s belt in the sky.


   “Yeah sounds better anyway and nothing is wrong with me it has just been a long day.”

   “Slaying demons under your boot, kicking vampire butt and hunting werewolves down Manhattan, you must hate it being all sweaty and hot.” Magnus commented and winked when Alec looked at him amused.

   “Shut up.” His cheeks flushed.

   “Never.” Magnus said and licked the chocolate of from him. “Oops, there was that.” He said as the rest of the chocolate ran down his stomach. Magnus had lifted his shirt without making him noticed it. Only Magnus could do that, draw his attention elsewhere. The chocolate was cool against his skin and he saw as Magnus lowered himself before he slowly started licking the chocolate off him. A moan escaped from Alec’s lips as Magnus licked his abs with a chuckle.

   “You’re the worst boyfriend ever.” Alec said when Magnus traced hot kisses up from his stomach to his neck and then finally on his lips.

   “You mean the best ever.” Magnus corrected him with a purr and kissed him fiercely on the lips again. It was like a push and pull between them and in the end Magnus was pinned under him on the blanket. Alec was straddling his waist and his hands roamed Magnus skin, while his lips kissed Magnus lips.

   For the first time in a long time Alec didn’t care who saw them because he was happy, happier than any other time, even demon slaying didn’t top this. Magnus tugged at his jeans and he laughed.

   “You can’t wait until we get back to the apartment?”

   "Hell no Lightwood." Magnus said pulling him against him, it was like he couldn't get enough of him and Alec smiled before returning the kiss.


Okay so I know it hasn't been so much Dark Hunter but I needed to make Malec really cute and cuddly first, in the next chapter the Dark Hunters will come in and break your heart! Not really but still...

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