The Sickness

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Kisumu (A/N)
Ok No more interruptions now moving on with the story
(I honestly have no idea what to say) Bye my Lovelies!
Aizawa's POV,
When I woke up I felt the pain instantly hit me hard. I grouned and tried looking around but found nothing but white covering my face.

I sighed knowing that there was probably some serious danger but my first priority.

'Wheres Y/N!?!?!'I asked yelling in my mind I sat up instantly but regretted my decision. I guess when I shot up I spooked the Hell out of Hizashi

"S-Shouta?" Hizashi also known as Present Mic. Asked almost shouting it

"Yes?" I said groaning as I rubbed my back with the one hand that wasn't in the cast.

"YOU SHOULD STILL BE IN BED!?!?!?" He yelled standing up he almost made me death

I glared at him behind the bandages and he instantly shut up before saying anything else. "So where's the sleeping child"

I asked trying to not sound concerned but she meant the world to me... I would Evan kill someone if I had to.

"Why you concerned?" Hizashi asked in a teasing voice. I glared again but he just kept talking.

Then there was a knock "Shouta, Aizawa?" A female nurse said

"Yes that is me" I said bluntly. "We're having a bit of a issue..." I tensed up instantly.

"Is it something to do with the kid?" I asked with a hint of worry.

"Y-Yes sir... she won't let us touch her she says she needs you in there with her" I sigh knowing how bad of a condition she is in.

"Hizashi do you think you can get me out of the bed Slowly" I said the last part loud so he got the point "Yeah sure!"

Hizashi literally through me on the floor.

I, knowing how stupid he is instantly tried standing the nurse looked horrified she paled instantly.

"HIZASHI!" I yelled angry "yes?" He said instantly.

I sighed and got up barley. I started walking slowly cause of pain.

        —-3 minutes later

Once we got to the door I could all ready here her weeping.

I opened the door and she looked at me and perked up. She got of the bed and ran over to hug my leg.

I blushed because I've never really been hugged much.

She looked up at me and smiled her eyes were red and puffy you could still see tear streaks coming down her face.

I pat her head and she went back to the bed and sat down.

Then I see non other than Smokey the one cat that possibly hates me.
(Little bit of background Smokey keeps scratching Aizawa when Y/N is not around)

I sat in the chair next to Y/N and Smokey.

Y/N looked at me with concern but happiness. "Can ya not stare kid?" She blinked and nodded.

Y/N's POV,
Once I woke up around in the new area I instantly started crying.

Two Nurses tried calming me down and tried touching me I wailed louder begging for Mr. Aizawa.

By the time the door opened and closed I knew one nurse left but the other stayed.

I kept crying since the nurse in the room tried touching me hint tried I started visibly shaking as well since of my problem.

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