Taken Away?

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I think my writing is getting really cringy  (I also can't spell) this is gonna be a short one since I hurt my wrists while stretching during one of my classes. Anyways Enjoy!

Togas POV,
As usual Handy Man is being a obnoxious child while Dabi is hearing him rant over anymore ideas on how to kill AllMight as well as arguing.

I sigh miserably as I flop upside down over the edge of the couch.

"Toga?" I hear someone say I look around and see Kurogiri in the hallway waving me over.

I get up and jump over the couch still hearing the two children back there argue. "Yes?" I ask "I've got a friend for you" he says.

My eyes brighten up and a murderous grin forms on my face "I've got a new playmate!" I yell swaying side to side happily.

"Follow me" I happily follow him into a room to see a girl with h/c hair knocked out with blood trailing down her forehead.

"She so pretty! I bet her blood tastes real sweet!" I say putting my hands to my cheeks and licking my lips.

"Before you try anything Toga I have a mission from One For All" Kurogiri says.

I perk up and look at him "What's the mission?" I ask curiously.

"You will be finding a girl named
Y/N Dove this is her older sister that had said to have "died" in a fire at there home." He said

I nod "I'll be there Asap but... Can I take the little girls blood?" I say smiling evilly.

Kurogiri nods "Her current location is at U.A high school. Her sister quirk is Rain storm it allows her to teleport using any sort of cloud or lighting while making the sky turn dark and gloomy"

I nod as I rush to my room and get one liter container to store her blood in as well as an I.V to hook into her skin.

I rush out of my room into the one the girl is in almost dropping my supplies.

As I get towards the girl she stirs a bit "Sorry can't have you waking up!" I say putting my things down and grabbing a bat hitting it against her head knocking her out once more.

I smile as I see her eyes close quickly and her head fall while her arms are held by a rope.

I cut the rope off and take my I.V and look for any visible vein witch was easy since she had light skin. I stuck the I.V into her arm leaving it closed while I put the end of the I.V tube into my container.

I released the I.V's stopper and her blood came out quickly. I see blood trickle down her arm a bit. I wipe of the blood with my finger then lick it tasting it.

"I was right! It is incredibly sweet and tasty I might have to get two liters..." I say I look at the container to notice it is almost fully full. I stop the I.V and get the tube of the top of my new blood.

I carefully run to my room putting the blood container under a sign that read 'My sweetest blood" I then grab a four inch container and hurry back to the room.

I quickly hook it on and take the needle out moving to a different vein then hooking the needle into her skin again. I put a cloth on her arm to stop the bleeding on her arm  Kurogiri said we needed her and her sister alive for some reason he won't tell us about.

I sigh and open the I.V her blood flows out like a waterfall into the container.

I then stop the I.V and take it out of her arm I put another cloth over her arm and let it sit on it. I remove the tube and throw it away skipping  out of the room.

I open the container and drink a bit of her blood. I instantly turn into her and I walk outside the sky turned gray as I teleported out of there threw the clouds than landing in front of a little girl who matched her description.

"What is so wrong little one?" I ask I then cringe internally I hate this...

I then hear a meow and a hiss. I perk up and see a small kitten behind her back.

I smirk under my hood but allow the shadow over my mouth to disappear showing a kind smile. 'I hate One For All right now' I internally scream to myself and pick up the Kitten who hisses at me loudly.

I glare at the kitten as I talk to

"So why are you here miss?" I hear her ask as I take off my hood  "Well I'm looking for my younger sibling her names Y/N Dove have you seen her?" I ask almost killing myself.

Her eyes start filling with tears as she smiles "Well your staring right at her" she says.

I go wide eye Evan if I knew it was her. My eyes fill with water witch I hate terribly.

  'Well let's get this over with' I think

Y/N's POV,

As I stare at my older sister I see a large grin forming on her face. "Nighty Night!~~~~ "Sibling" I hear her say before something hits the back of my head knocking me out.

   Andddddd we're back again in darkness of how I have missed this friend

I sigh in my black abase as I hug my sides. Alrighty do not trust that women who claims to be my sister.

I hit my head and the black abase disappears into a bright white.

"Ok what type of drugs did they give me?" I question out loud I hear someone chuckle in this white wonderland.

"Fear not Y/N you are not on any drugs but I don't like how my baby has been getting terrible hurt."

My eyes go wide "M-Mama are you here?" I ask tears brimming my eyes.

"Hi my dear" I hear her say appearing in front of me with her arms outstretched.

I start crying as I leap into her arms hugging her tightly. "Don't leave me again!" I yell still crying.

I hear her sigh sadly "I'm sorry my dear but I have to. You have a lot more life on earth then up here." I hear her voice get hiccupy as she speaks.

I can feel her tears soak my shirt.
"My time is up with you my daughter please be safe and remember Mommy loves you" as she said that I started flying backwards quickly.

I shoot up from a hard surface as tears flow down my face. I look around quickly to find a bedroom that's worn down...

I look at myself just to be sure that I'm ok witch I am perfectly fine except for a large bump on the back of my head.

I then realize I don't know we're the heck I am at.

Tears pool into my eyes as I hold the blanket close to my chest hoping that this nightmare would go away.

Then a creek sounds through the room as my door slightly opens slowly. I hold the blanket closer to me gripping it tightly as I stare I shook wildly.

As I see non-other then the worst villain of all time in a shaken quiet voice I could only say three words.

               "All for One...."

Alrighty sorry I took so long on my chapters I've been a bit sick and sore so I felt like shit threw this whole writing. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll wright more once I get more better bye my Lovelies!

!Kisumu Out!

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