karasuno counselors.

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who would let the kids win the most?


Hinata: no matter what. always. younger or older. he has a younger sister, and a HUGE soft spot for kids. so of course it'd be him

Yamaguchi: yams is right up there with Hinata. his heart? = too big. and who has fun crushing those sweet innocent babies dreams? not yama

Tsukisima: never. he won't ever let the kids win. they don't need to be babied. how are they supposed to learn how to play when you're letting them win? they don't. so he makes sure they learn. he won't be too big of a dick about it, as long as the kid doesn't give him attitude.

Kageyma: kags is the perfect example of being in the middle. you'd think he'd love to win right? and he does. he does love to win. but he also loves encouraging the kids. he's a tough guy who's not good at showing emotion, so he'd let them win to show how much he cares. but don't be mistaken, you catch him on a bad day he'll make sure you also learn how to loose.

Yachi: she wouldn't be in any sports camp. she'd be in something big brained like chess. or music. so there's no winning in music, but for chess however she'd let them win. but she wouldn't play dumb, she'd let them win by dropping little hints on how they can win and what to do.


Sugawara: just like hinata. he'd always let them win. he'd go in, with thoughts of teaching them discipline, form, and of course loosing. but he'd never bring himself to do it. he'd teach them a lot! but not loosing.

Nishinoya: he'd go easy on them, but he would never say he let them win. deep down he knew what he was doing. but he didn't want the kids to feel like he let them win. the most he'd do is win a game against an older kid who could take it. the kids would have to ask him to play with his all first, before he could even think about that.

Asahi: on the other hand, would also always let them win. he'd try his hardest to just coach and teach cause he didn't like being in the position to be able to put them down. so he'd be more supportive and coach like. but when he did play, he let his babies win.

Daichi: same as asahi, strictly coaching. he made his rule to teach, not to deteriorate the kids. he takes his camp counselor position very seriously.

Tanaka: he's the only one out of the older ones that gives it a fifty fifty. depends on his mood, just like kageyma.

Kiyoko: like yachi, she wouldn't be in any sports camp. maybe a camp that teaches responsibility, like baby sitting camp. so there would be no problem of letting them win!

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