Chapter 4

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Finonna grew up in a farm, she lived there with her mother, and grandfather.

Grandfather Ben, well he was big like a lumberman, with a big long gray beard, trapper heat, red and black plaid shirt with suspenders that holds olive-green pants tucked in old army boots.

He looked like he could crush you with his hands, he always had a knife in a belt holster and a rifle on strap, but he was very good man, the one you could say Mr. nice guy.

Her grandpa Ben, taught her everything she knows, when Finonna was just six years old, Ben took her on hir first hunting.

Finonna was thrilled, and after that, her and Ben were inseparable, and she learned, more and more each time they went in woods.

By the time she was 13, she was fully independent, and very often went hunting by herself, or picking mushrooms and other eatable berries that can be found in the woods, even sometimes she made breakfast by the time her mother and Ben woke up.

Few years later her mother got sick and died, Ben couldn't live with his grief and a couple of months later he passed away.

Finonna lived all by herself in a big wooden hut, and one cold winter while she was sitting and warming in front of a fireplace, drinking hot chocolate with a little pieces of marshmallows floating on top, someone knocked on her door.

Finonna removed blanket in which she was tucked in, got up, and asked who's there?

It's Caroline, voice from outside said, open the door, I'm freezing.
Finnona rushed to open door, and give a big hug to Caroline, it's nice to see you she said, come in Car.

Caroline took off her green feathered jacked, under which she had blue pullover, and red pants, took her boots off too, stayed in wool black socks.

Hey Car, would you like some homemade rosehip to get you warmed?

Sure Fi, you know that's my favourite.

I know, we spent many hours drinking it back in good old days.

They talked for hours in front of the fireplace, and eventually fall asleep.

Rise and shine, time to wake up Car, Finnona woke her, I made us breakfast, and coffee she said.

Caroline got up, walked to the kitchen table where some fresh made coffee waited for her, and warm ham and eggs.

Smile showed on her face, 'cause Finonna knew, that's Caroline favourite breakfast.

After they finished breakfast, Fi there is something I need to talk to you about, said Caroline, with a little fear and doubt in her voice.

What's wrong Car, are you ok?

Wel not quite, I have a proposition for you, something, well kinda thing that will change your life.

My fiancé Jack is missing, it's been almost a week since I heard from him, Caroline said and start to cry. We have been working on something, something about the people are missing, but they all disappeared in a very strange way. Most of them died in accident, and their deaths are very suspicious, so we started to investigate it, and when we finally found something, Jack went to check it out, and he never got back. I think that our government is involved in this, and they have Jack, but I can't investigate it, since you know 'cause of my hacking and publishing several things, they keep an eye on me.So I thought, maybe you could go and check it out for me, please Fi, I'm desperate, and very, very concerned that Jack is in very big trouble, I can't go to the police, 'cause I don't know who is involved in this.

I researched Dark Web with Jack just before he disappeared, and we found this application for something that is very strange, and now since he's gone, and I'm on their radar, I'm begging you to help me, I even fill this application for you, they checked you, and give you a green light, which means that, you are clean and good to go. I'll leave now and give you a few days to think about it, but I must tell you, if you go after Jack, I don't know what you might find, and how dangerous it could be. Here is a folder with everything we found, and your filled application, after you read everything, please destroy it, so no one can found it, I'll be staying in hotel in town, room 17, and if you don't come in next 48 hours, I'll be gone, and try to find someone else to help me, see you Fi, good bye.

Finonna took folder, and just said, see you Car. When Caroline left, Finonna seat in front of fire place, and start to read, and think. Next morning, she took folder and burned it in fireplace, few minutes put out the fire, got dressed, pick up ashes, buried it outside, like Caroline said, so no one can found it, and started to walk toward city, half an hour later she knocked, door opened and Caroline looked at her, Finonna just said Ok, Car let's do it, let's go and find Jack, I can't wait to meet him, Finonna smiled, Caroline huged her very tight, and with tears on her face said, thank you Fi, thank you.


It's been chilling night in April, when Johannes come to work his night shift in army base settled in Kokkola, Finland.

Johannes come to work at 9:30 pm, half an hour before the start of his shift, and as usual brought his coffee, strong enough to keep him up all night, and some sandwiches, it was a routine for him, 'cause he is on this function for last seven years and during his night shifts nothing ever happened, until that night.

At about 4:17 am, a call for help came.

Mayday, Mayday, can anyone hear us, the voice from speakers said, it was voice from US navy seal Micheal Porter, again he repeated "Mayday, Mayday, can anyone hear us, over?

This is private Porter speaking, Mayday, Mayday, can anyone hear us, over?

Yes, Johannes answered, this is private Johannes, who is this, over?

O thanks God, it's so good to hear your voice, this is private Porter speaking, we transmit through all frequencies back and forth, we are trying to reach for anyone for weeks, we almost lost hope, can you please contact our base in Antarctic, and let them know we made contact with us, and give them our frequency, over?

Right away, sir, I'll give them call , just stay put, someone will contact you as soon as possible, over.

Even if he didn't know what it was all about, Johannes immediately took phone and called number that Porter gave him and got connected straight to officer in Antarctic. Officer then woke Japan general Yonamoto which at that time was officer in charge in base.

General Yonamoto quickly got out of bed and ran toward the communication room.

As he entered he immediately  grabbed the radio and said „this is general Yonamoto speaking, can you read me, over? nothing happened.

Then he repeated " this is general Yonamoto speaking, can you read me, over?"

And after the crackling in speakers in main room, where about 15 soldiers were listening and trying to clear sound as best as possible, they heard "This is private Porter speaking, can you hear us, over?"

Then for a few seconds whole room start to cheer, but they all knew they needed to be quiet, so they all settle down, and then once again, but this time with a slight smile on his face general Yonamoto said "we hear you, private Porter, loud and clear, we hear you,over".


Peter grew up in Finland, in a family of army, his grandpa Johannes was the one that answered private Porter's call, and Johannes knew that someday, someone in his future bloodline will be a good person for this project, so he raise his son to be a soldier, and later he wanted Peter to be a soldier as well, but Peter choose different call.

He become biologist, but he worked out every day, and with excellent knowing of biology, he was well-trained in combat and surviving.

Johannes was well familiar with project, they walked him trough details as a reward for his response, and even offered him to take part, but he turned them down, just because his wife was pregnant, and few weeks after Peter's father was born.

Johannes signed confidentiality document, and was very aware, that he must tell no one about project.

And he didn't, he keep it secret his entire life, but when he was old and sick, he told Peter everything, and even told him how to apply for "the job".

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