Chapter 6

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Jack just stood and watch all the people going trough the door, all of them were dresses the same, and just before the last person entered, Jack made a decision, he's gonna go trough that door no matter what, he must know where all these people are going, and why are there two man guarding door with firearms. These people need help, they all are going in cave, to be experimented on them or worse Jack thought. Last man entered, and then something like alarm sounded, and two rotating blue lights, one on each side of doors started to blink. It was a sign that doors are shutting, and Jack needed to act fast.

Jack started to run as fast as he can, door was slightly closing, and Jack knocked one guard,pushed another and in last moment he ran trough, and just before the door closed, he heard on of the guards, Stop you don't know what you' re doing, it's not safe... and door closed, and everything got quiet.

Jack was in a tunnel, not well lighted, it had  light in the middle of the tunnel ceiling, but  you could barely see anything. He kept on walking, and after a short while, dimmed mixture of blue, black and gray with a sprinkles of white light, was shown, revealing some kind of passage.
Jack carefully come close, placed his ear near, but couldn't hear anything, no voices, no sound, absolute silence. Jack touched that weird mass with caution, it felt like touching kinetic sand, so he pushed his arm trough it, and felt like a slight draft, like a vacuum is pulling him. He was pretty scared, but he wanted to go and save all those people, so scary but  decisively he put's another arm, then his face went trough, and right after his whole body, mass stayed behind him and now he was in dark tunnel, with no lights just darkness. As scared as he was he made one small step, and another, and after few steps, tunnel sucked him in. His whole body was light as a feather, and he felt that he floats,that something caries him like a leaf on a wind. Seconds after Jack went trough, portal dissapeared, it vanished, looked like when you turn tv off, all collors shrinked into little white dot, and then it all went black. After a few moments, bright light  began to appear, and Jack was suddenly on white sand, the same one you can see in desert.

He fainted, and after a while, someone start to kick him in his tie, he heard I'm not sure if he's alive.
I'm alive, Jack answered, but still couldn't see the face of a man standing  above him, bright sun rays   was blocking his view.

Stand up, man said, Jack saw he's having gun, and there is another guy next to him, also armed.
Who are you, how did you get here?

Easy, I don't want no trouble, I'm investigating multiple missing persons, which I followed trough tunnel, and suddenly I ended up here on hot desert sand, and while ago I was on cold Arctic snow, can you explain that to me.

We don't need to explain anything to you, how did you come here, why don't you have clothes like the others, identify yourself at once.

My name is Jack Rupert, private investigator from  Massachusetts, and like I said already, I'm investigating multiple missing person.

So can you tell me, where to hell I am?

Well since you pass point of no return, we might as well tell you, welcome to the Heart planet Mr. Rupert.

Heart what, where the hell am I, what's going on, and what did you mean by that point of no return?

Well, you pass trough portal, and now you are on the other planet, planet we named heart, but you'll get more information later, first we need to take you to  quarantine, and right after you'll settled, you'll get all the information you need.

Portal, what portal? I need to take all those people back.

I'm afraid that is not possible, but like I said you'll get all the information you need, but now please we need to take you to  quarantine, we can do this the easy or the hard way, your choice.
Jack had  no choice   than go with them, he turned his head, and he saw that the portal is still here, but Jack didn't know that on the other side, back on earth portal disappeared.

Right after they climb up a small sand hill, Jack get to see a  quarantine where all the others that went trough portal were lined up, checked and showered for disinfection.


Ellis Kuper is a girl from Edinburgh,  she has long red hair, freckles, braces, small brown eyes, little nose, round cheekbones and glasses, she looked like a nerd, but a very cute nerd.
Ellis always wear shirts with funny sayings, denim vest, red or even sometimes green skirt, and black boots. After high school, she was recruited by  Stafford College, and after finished Valedictorian, got offer to continue in Quantico  and to become behavioral expert. She spent few years in Quantico, just to become the best behavioral expert, and that's why they offered her to go on Heart, and to help people that find it hard to adjust to new environment. First she traveled to Switzerland, on camp to observe soldiers that train, and to assess are they capable to go to a brand new environment. When training ended, all capable ones, and Ellis took flight to Antarctic, but because of bad weather, they couldn't make it on time, so they flew to Mosel Bay, South Africa, and the straight to Antarctic by ship, but what Ellis didn't know, that Jack was following her all the way from Switzerland to Mosley Bay, and eventually sneaked into ship leading him straight to Antarctic.

Few weeks ago, like every other day after finishing her 9-17 shift in library Caroline went to Gray MagPie, and while drinking her favourite coffe, she read some interesting stuff on Dark Web, Caroline found a section about Quantico.

She click on it, and found a bunch of stuff, from building schematic to every little detail about all of people who either work or attend Quantico academy. While browsing and reading about it all, Caroline found Ellis Kupers file to be very interesting. She called Jack to come and meet her, and while waiting for him to arrive, Caroline read more and more about Ellis Kuper, she was so deep in reading, that she didn't even noticed that hours passed and when Jack finally come said hello and tried to kiss her, she jumped like someone stabbed her,  Jack said, don't be afraid that's just me, but when he saw her face, he just said, wow it must be something big that you find.

And few seconds later Caroline puts smile on her face, and said Jack honey, not something big, I think I found a way to infiltrate and find all those missing people.

Jack was pretty excited, sit next to Caroline, and told her show me what you find!
Caroline showed him everything, they were sitting at Gray MagPie so long that at one point sun started to show, it was early morning, they lost track of time exploring whole night.
They found out that Ellis Kuper is going to secret location, named Heart, and she will there work with all "subjects" that are relocated to Heart, so Jack decided to go to Switzerland, and keep track of Ellis Kuper's, not  knowing that Heart is a new planet, and once he get there he will not be able to contact Caroline, or this is the last time to see her ever again.

They made a deal, that if Jack couldn't contact her by phone or by email, he will send her a message written on paper and delivered to her in Gray MagPie, so Caroline spent most of her time there.

Sometimes while surfing on Dark web, she glanced over her laptop to see is there anyone suspicious looking or even following her, and then she noticed Morgan who was regular there. Caroline knew he was familiar to her, like she already saw him somewhere, but she just couldn't remember where she saw him. She started to think, and to look pictures and documents on DarkWeb, and thorough everything, and after few hours, Caroline finally found Morgan.

She found documents about how Morgan is approached and recruited to go to Antarctica, the same place where Ellis was supposed to go, so Caroline decided to follow Morgan.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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