Prepare for Battle

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Deadly Separatist attacks! While the Republic has managed to hold the line and win many battles the Separatists continue to press the attacks and with the Republic forces spread thin General Grievous along with Assaji Ventress and the Separatist commander Merai plan an attack on Kamino, home of the Republic cloning factory. Luckily, Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi examine an intercepted message from General Grievous.

On board a Republic Cruiser, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Clone Captain Rex, and Commander Cody were examining a flickering hologram of Grievous on the bridge. A Clone officer stated, "We are decrypting the audio, sir."

The group watched as Ventress began to say, "The Clone Factory of Kamino will be a dangerous target."

Merai, the Mon Calamari, added, "But with the intel we have, we should be able to secure a victory for the Separatist Alliance."

Grievous just stated, "Just make sure you two hold up your end of the mission." He gripped his fist, "We must stop the production of new Clones if we are to win this war."

The transmission ended, with Anakin stating, "Kamino."

Rex added, "There are going to attack our home planet."

Obi-Wan began to stroke his beard and said, "The Separatists are taking a big chance even considering this."

Rex jumped in, "With all due respect, general if someone comes to our home they better be carrying a big blaster!"

Cody joined him, "I concur with Captain Rex, sir. This is personal for us Clones."

Anakin reassured them, "Will make sure Kamino is secure." Pointing to them, "Tell your troopers in the 501st and 212th that there going home."

The two saluted and said, "Yes sir!"

With the Separatist fleet, consisting of nine Separatist Cruisers, a Separatist Dreadnought, and two Trade Federation Battle/Supply Ships, they were preparing to attack Kamino. Grievous was sitting in the command chair in the Dreadnought, with a Tactical Droid on his right, and talking to Ventress and Merai over holograms. Ventress stated, "All is ready, general."

Grievous confidently said, "Good. We will attack Tipoca City first."

Merai added, "Thanks to the intel acquired by Corporate Alliance we know the location of the Clone DNA Room and the underwater Shield Generator protecting Tipoca City from Orbital Bombardment."

Grievous gripped his hands, "Both shall be annihilated under my hands."

Ventress corrected, "Our hands, general. Count Dooku assigned all three of us this task."

Grievous simply replied, "But of course, assassin. We will be jumping to Hyperspace in just a bit, once preparations are complete."

On the planet of Kamino, a Republic Cruiser had just docked in Tipoca City being covered in rain, with Obi-Wan, Anakin, and their Clone forces disembarking and meeting Jedi Master Shaak Ti, a male Bothan Jedi, a female Pantoran Jedi, a male Ualaq Aqualish Jedi, and the leader of Kamino Lama Su. Shaak Ti greeted the group, "Masters Kenobi and Skywalker, welcome to Kamino."

Lama Su added, "Greetings, generals."

Obi-Wan solely responded, "I wish our arrival wasn't under such circumstances. We believe Grievous is planning a Separatist attack on Kamino."

Lama Su stated, "But the Republic blockade is too strong. They would not dare."

Shaak Ti began to think, "They just might. Either way, we should prepare."

Obi-Wan nodded, "I agree. In fact, I've already contacted Master Oppo Rancisis and his team. We're already formulating a plan."

In the Kamino facilities, 501st Clones Echo and Fives were walking through the halls passing Clones and Kaminoins, with Echo saying, "Look around, Fives. It feels like yesterday we were here."

They spotted a group of cadets and Five laughed, "Heading to target practice. Remember that?"

"Do I ever." They then came across a defective Clone dropping some rifles and called to him, "Hey, 99."

99 smiled, "Echo, Fives."

Fives noted with surprise, "You actually remember us."

99 nodded, "Oh, I remember all my brothers. Is Hevy here? Where's he?"

Fives began to say with sadness, "There was an incident on the Rishi Moon Outpost."

Echo finished, "He saved our lives, but he gave up his own."

99 lowered his head, "Oh, I see." He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a medal.

Upon seeing it, Fives asked, "Hevy gave you his graduation medal?"

99 shook his head, before questioning, "So, why have you returned to Kamino?"

"The general's received word of an impending attack here."

"Well, how can I help?" The two Clones smiled at this. 

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