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As Clones began to clear up the wreckage of destroyed Droids and picked up fallen brethren, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Shaak Ti, Rex, Cody, and Lama Su, walked through and observed the devastation. Lama Su stated, "Well, at least we won, and the damage isn't too bad."

Anakin replied, "That's good. And I doubt the Separatist will ever try to attack again after this defeat."

Shaak Ti added, "Still, this attack felt a bit off."

Obi-Wan nodded, "I agree. Grievous, Ventress, and Merai are all skilled leaders, so why would they attempt a half baked attack like this? Something else is at play."

Anakin suspected, "I suspect Dooku's dirty hand in all this."

Obi-Wan agreed, "Yes. And maybe something even darker."

The others turned to the right, leaving Rex and Cody who kept walking forward until they came up to Echo and Fives. Rex addressed them, "Echo, Fives."

They stood at attention, as Cody continued, "You both really stepped up in the heat of battle."

Echo simply replied, "We did what we had to do, sir."

Fives added, "What any Clone would have done."

Rex told them, "Both of you showed valor out their, real courage. Remind me of me actually."

Cody than stated, "Echo, Fives, you're both officially being made Arc troopers."

The two were in shock, before it gave way to joy, with Rex adding, "After this defeat, I doubt the Separatist will ever attack Kamino again anytime soon, but if they do, Kamino will be lucky to have Clones like you defending it." He and Cody saluted them, "Good job men!" The two newly appointed Arc Troopers smiled and saluted back.

Sometime later, on his base on planet Serenno, Dooku was speaking to Grievous and Ventress over holograms displayed on his table. The pair had just finished their report, with Dooku saying coldly, "Well, it looks like you squandered our forces sent for this operation. I see you both still need a lot of improvement." The assassin and cyborg only grunted in irritation, as their Sith master ended the transmission. Once he did, Dooku pressed some more buttons before another hologram appeared, this one being the cloaked Sith Master, Darth Sidious. Dooku bowed to him, "My master."

Sidious stated, "Report, Lord Tyrannous."

"The Battle of Kamino went just as planned. The Separatists were completely repelled, they won't dare attack Kamino again for a while with how well defended it has shown."

Sidious laughed, "Excellent. It's a delicate game we play. A precise balance, which must be maintained. This Clone War will not soon end."

Dooku added, "Although, we did lose Commander Merai. He was very talented and useful."

"Merai was just a pawn, a useful one, but like any pawn, he can be replaced either after he serves his purpose or if killed by unforeseen circumstances."

"Yes, my Master."

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