Things Get Worse

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In the city, on another set of platforms, twelfth Aqua Droids marched on and fired at a squad of eleven Clones, with one already Clone dead on the floor, soon followed by another shot in the chest by a Droid. A Clone on the far left side shot an Aqua Droid in the head and killed it, but then he and the Clone on his right were shot by a pair of Aqua Droids. They then shot another Clone in the head. The remaining Clones started backing up, but kept firing and took out two more Aqua Droids, only for another two Clones to be shot repeatedly and killed as well. As both sides kept firing, Ventress held back behind the Droids, walking slowly and smiling at the battle.

Back with Havoc's group, the Bothan Jedi was deflecting blaster fire from Droids, by three Clones, who were firing at their attackers. Unfortunately, two of the Clones were shot and killed. The Jedi continued to deflect shots with a sweeping motion of his saber, killing two B1's this way, while the last Clone fired like crazy, shooting down two Aqua Droids on the left and another on the right, before another on the left shot him in the left arm and then chest killing him. As the Clone fell, the Jedi rushed at the Droid and sliced it in half down the face. He then rushed at three B1's on his right, deflecting their shots, before getting in close and slicing them apart from the waist up. Spinning around and forward, he deflected shots back at two Aqua Droids, killing one of them, but the other got him in the right shoulder. While he grunted in pain, he still held his Lightsaber in his other hand and rushed at the Droid, cutting off its head area and legs. A MagnaGuard then rushed at him on his right, so he turned and tried to stab it in the chest, only for it to spin to it's left. The other MagnaGuard then came straight at him and swung his Electrostaff down at the Jedi, who brought up his saber to block. He then kicked the Droid back with his right leg. However, Grievous then jumped over the skidding back Droid, now with only the saber in his right hand activated. A quick slash at the Jedi's sword, caused it to be knocked away, allowing Grievous to grab the now defenseless Jedi by the throat with his free hand, lifting him up and kill him with a stab to the chest. 99 was rushing out and handing blasters to Clones. When he got behind Havoc, who was kneeling down next to a dead Clone, and just shot an Aqua Droid in the chest, the Arc Trooper turned to him and ordered, "99, get out of here!" For this, he got shot in the right shoulder and knocked down. 99 went over to help him up, with the Trooper saying, "This is no place for you." He was then killed with a headshot, forcing 99 to grab his bag of supplies and run as best he could to the exit.

Outside under another of the domes outside of a building, several Aqua Droids advanced on Obi-Wan, Anakin, and five Clones, who were kneeling down and firing at them, taking down one Aqua Droid. The Droids were firing back, but the pair of Jedi kept deflecting any shots away from their men, and some even back at the Droids, taking two more down. Obi-Wan stated through deflecting shots, "There aren't enough Droids here to capture the city. They're trying to distract us." He turned to Anakin, "Go protect the DNA Chamber." Turning back to the Droids, "I'll deal with Grievous!"

Anakin nodded and replied, "I'm on it!" He deactivated his Lightsaber and ran down the walkway behind him to the door, while Obi-Wan deflected another shot back at the Aqua Droids, with another failing from some Clone fire.

In another area, a group of eight Clones led a squad of five young Clone Cadets, through a hallway, but when they turned the corner, fifteen B1's were in front of them and quickly fired, killing two Clones. The remaining Clones backed up, with the Cadets and fired back, but one of the Clones was shot three times in the chest, killing him. They managed to shoot and kill three B1's, one with a headshot, before one of the Clones ordered, "Cadets, get out of here!" The Cadets nodded and ran down a hall on the left, as the Droids kept approaching and killed three Clones. One of the last two rushed in firing like crazy, killing three Droids, only to then be shot in the head and killed. The last Clone kept firing, shooting down two Droids until he was shot in both shoulders, and the chest area twice, killing him.

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