A City Overrun

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Inside the main complex, as the Droids got close, the room was bathed in red light and warning beeps, Clones scrambled getting blasters and setting up positions next to or behind some containers of supplies. Leading the troops was an Arc Trooper in blue armor, who was approached by Echo and Fives, with the latter saying, "Commander Havoc, you sent for us."

Arc Trooper Havoc pointed at them and responded, "It's a dangerous assignment, but I want you two up on the bridge in snipper positions."

Fives responded, "Yes sir. We're on it." the two headed out, as the rest of the troops got ready, soon joined by the Bothan Jedi and the Pantoran Jedi, both with their blue Lightsabers activated.

Just outside many entrance, several different groups of Droids got ready to breach the doors with explosives. All at once all the doors blasted open and the Droids rushed in. The ones attacking Havoc's group immediately came under fire from Clones with blasters and even one with a machine gun, mowing down two Aqua Droids and 2 B1's. Another B1 rushed in and threw a bomb at the Clones, with one shouting, "Watch out!" Before it exploded and killed 4 Clones. The Jedi were deflecting shots back, killing three of the B1's. Havoc lead six other Clones, four behind the containers and two in front, in firing at a squad of Aqua Droids. The Aqua Droids quickly shot a Clone in front in the chest, killing him. Havoc rushed out to his dead brother and fired like crazy, killing two Aqua Droids, but the others kept charging and firing, killing two Clones behind the containers.

Grievous soon walked in, with his MagnaGuards and happily shouted, "KILL THEM ALL!" Seeing Grievous, the two Jedi rushed in, the Pantoran on his right and the Bothan on his left. Both swung at him with their sabers, only for Grievous to pull out two of his Lightsabers, a blue in his right and a green in his left, blocking the attacks. The cyborg proceed to kick the Bothan back, with his left leg and then he came under fire from the Aqua Droids. This freed up Grievous to use both his sabers in his saber lock with the Pantoran. The added power knocked the Pantoran back. He then struck at her light with his blue saber, but she brought her sword over in time to block and knock his saber back. She then tried to slash him across the chest, only for the general to sweep his green saber across to block. He then tried to cut her on the left shoulder, but she jumped back in time to dodge. As she started backstepping, Grievous pursued, with his MagnaGuards getting behind her and keeping their distance. Grievous tried to slash at her head with his left saber, but she ducked. When he tried to cut at her legs with both sabers, she leaped up and got ready to bring her saber down on his head, only for the cyborg general to bring his own blades up in time in a crossing formation to block and push her back. The Separatist leader then slashed at her left, so she spun to the right and tried to cut at the cyborg's left hand, three times, but each strike was blocked by his saber. He then swung at her head with his blue saber, but she brought her saber over in time to block. While in the lock, she kicked Grievous in the chest with her left foot, knocking the cyborg back. She rotated her saber and got ready to charge at the general, only for the MagnaGuard behind her right to hit her in the back with his Electrostaff, electrocuting her. She screamed in pain and her legs started to buckle, as the Droid pulled his staff back. Grievous than recovered and swung both his sabers down at the Pantoran, who brought her sword up horizontally to block both strikes. While in the lock, the MagnaGuard behind her left hit her in the back with its staff, shocking her. As she screamed, Grievous knocked her saber away and then slashed her across the chest with both of his swords, making an X shape and killing her.

Seeing his fellow Jedi fall, the Bothan rushed in screaming, "NOOO!" However, a group of ten B1's got in front of the Grievous and his Guards and opened fire. The Bothan began to step back, as he deflected shots and killed three of the Droids.

In a hallway in the city, Ten Clones, four on their knees, were having a fight with seven Aqua Droids and thirteen B1's in front of them. Laser blasts filled the narrow hall, with two B1's falling dead soon. They were joined by a standing Clone shot in the chest. The Clones started firing more rapidly, taking out three Aqua Droids, only for the remaining to fire back and kill two Clones on their knees and one standing, with chests and headshots, respectively. One of the Clones rushed in and started firing, taking down five B1's, before kicking another to the ground and then shooting an Aqua Droid in the head. Unfortunately, a B1 shot him in the left arm, causing him to drop his blaster, and then get shot by two more B1's in the chest, killing him. The Droids kept firing, but then, a Siniteen Bounty Hunter, a Arcona Bounty Hunter, and an Arc Trooper in yellow armor, came around the right corner behind the Clones and started firing their blasts at the Droids, taking down two Aqua Droids. One of the Clones turned to them and shouted in relief, "Commanders, Bric, El-Les, and Arc Commander Blitz!" The team kept firing, with Blitz gunning down three B1's, Bric took out the last two B1's, while El-Les shot down an Aqua Droid, and the remaining Clones gunned down the final Aqua Droid.

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