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Steven Universe was losing his touch, and there was no denying it. He could see himself, not being able to fix anything anymore, not like there was anything to fix. Everyone is going on without him, and all he can do is fill time with the plants. 

After ‘Cactus Steven’ Steven had sort of lost interest in gardening. Nor did he talk in there anymore. He was paranoid something would happen again, paranoid the gems would once again bother him for over a week, trying to get it out of him.

Steven had been spending his time at the Beach. It never changes, that’s what he needs. Something that never changes. Something that can’t leave him, only he can leave it. He would spend hours on that beach, watching the waves, occasionally falling asleep. Yet, his dreams were waking him up more and more. He could never remember anything from them, but they scared him. 

Steven got up from another long day at the beach, recently done with crying, so his eyes were sore. He headed back inside the house, and got some cereal pouring a bowl. The others were probably still out on a mission. They had picked up signals about more corrupted gems, which means Steven had to make sure they had enough in the bottles still. Luckily they did, he did not want to go to Homeworld to get more.

Steven finished the cereal, as he heard the warp pad activating. They were finally back, he tensed up, and put the bowl in the sink. Then going over to the warp pad. Pearl handed him two bubbles, and Steven sighed. “Glad they’re safe at least,” he mumbled, walking over to the bathroom.

The gems followed him, since they were the ones who ran Little Homeschool now. Steven turned on the water, poured a drop each of the bottles, then putting his own spit in it. Then he put the bubbles in. As the bubbles popped, Steven started walking towards the door, but stopped. 

His bubble had activated, which was strange. He tried making it go away, but it wouldn’t pop. He looked over at the gems, who were focused on the new arrivals who were forming. 

Steven tried going out the door, but he didn't fit. “What the-” He said, finally starting to freak out. That gained the attention of the gems as he turned pink. “God- come on let me out!” He lifted up his shirt, frustrated. He tapped on his gem, annoyed.

All of a sudden, the bubble expanded to fit the house. All of them were in the bubble now. Steven rushed out of the bathroom, going to the door. “No! AUGH! C’mon powers!” He yelled at himself. Steven turned around to see the gems and the two new arrivals staring at him. 

He felt his anger grow more, and he started banging on the bubble. Trying to ignore the gems. He drowned them out, embarrassed and tired. Finally, he felt something on his head. He thought it was Garnet trying to calm him down, but when he reached up, it wasn't a hand. It felt like a horn. 

“What the hell..?” Steven whispered, looking straight at the gems. He didn’t know what to do. So he rushed up the stairs and hid under the sheets. Scared and embarrassed. He heard noises coming from downstairs.

Steven took deep breaths, and then he heard the bubble disappearing. He sighed out of pure relief, but tensed back up when he felt a hand on the cover.

“Steven? Are you.. okay?” Amethyst’s voice filled with concern. She lifted the cover to see a balled up Steven, she could she his body tensed. She felt tears form when she saw that he still had the horn, but what tore her apart was the fact that she could see spikes starting to grow as well.

Steven started to groan in pain. It felt like needle was coming out of his skin. Which just made him all the more worried. Then he passed out.

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