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Steven was bombarded with frantic talking with from the gems. He couldn’t really respond, and when he tried the gems just looked away, scared. Garnet ended up unfusing, Sapphire unable to handle the futures, Ruby doing whatever she could for her girlfriend. Pearl was in the room basically 24/7, and Amethyst was often out holding up Little Homeworld for the most part.

Steven ended up with a pencil and paper to talk with everyone, but it didn’t help at all. Every passing day was another change, growth of the horns, growth of the spikes, or more purple spots. He was still trying to get used to it all, and it didn’t help with all the changes happening so often. The only thing he really got used to was the tail. He thought it was weird, and often played with it, keeping him entertained.

Connie told her parents everything, she packed a bag and set up a mini room for herself in Steven’s room. She promised she wouldn’t leave his side, and that’s exactly what she did. She would read to him, or they’d talk through his papers, slowly trying to work on his issues.

Eventually after a month, they started trying getting Steven out of his bedroom as just to the beach, or the barn. Steven was a little wobbly on his walking, he felt changes in his legs to be more bent, but he tried ignoring it. He felt so unbalanced and often fell to his hands at times, which would stress him out more which sped up the corruption bit by bit. Connie often managed to calm him down right away, but the damage would be done.

Two months later it was obvious that major differences had occurred. He couldn’t stand on his own two legs anymore, they had bent to the style of a dogs. He had gotten taller and larger, he was completely a dark purple, and one of his eyes were black with a pink diamond style pupil. His hands were claws as well as his feet.

“Steven, buddy, it’s time to wake up,” Connie whispered, gently rocking him awake careful to avoid any sensitive spots or spikes. She smiled as he saw Steven flick his tail and stretch. It was so cute that he had been acting more like a dog, but worried her a lot. He couldn’t really write anymore, which means they had no communication. Only growls. She didn’t know what to do, but the corruption had slowed for some reason and she wasn’t sure why, but went with it.

Steven got up, and groaned from being tired. He was in a curled up ball so it felt good to stretch. He sighed, still was like this, but he was just happy to have Connie. He felt like she knew what he was going through, and it calmed him. He was sore from his spikes getting a tad bigger, and went to scratch at his gem, but Connie stopped him. Scratching his gem helped with the pain, and it made him think he was getting revenge on his mom.

Pearl walked in, she had a crack around her gem like on her form or something. Similar to Volleyballs crack. She had been so stressed about Steven, she was constantly worrying. She walked over to him and put her hand in his hair, accidentally touching one of his horned which pricked her. She pulled her finger back, and sighed, glancing over at Connie, then leaving. She needed to talk to Sapphire and Ruby about what to do, Amethyst had gone missing a while ago, but no one had told Steven yet.

Suddenly there was a burst downstairs, it was Jasper with Bluebird and Mean lapis. They had gotten together over the months, all having a raging hate over Steven, ready to take him out. Jasper laughed out “Stevenn, come out and fight us! You really thought we wouldn’t come back?”

Steven froze, immediately knowing those voices. He started panicking and running around his room, unsure of what to do. He started scratching up the floor, and then going for him gems and skin around it. He didn’t know if he should fight them or run or hide. He looked towards Connie, crying, then back at his gem. This was all her fault, for all of the gems he faced. If she had just never met Greg or had a better life, he wouldn’t have to deal with this.

Connie rushed over to him, and quickly tried to calm him down. Steven turned around and accidentally scratched her eye, leaving a slash over her eye. Connie fell back, holding her hand over her eye, stunned and in pain. She started crying, and screamed for someone, rushing downstairs, flight response kicking in due to her being hurt.

Steven stood there looking at what he had just did, his heartbeat raced and felt himself getting dizzy. The last thing he saw was him running outside to his balcony jumping off it, then passing out

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