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Steven woke up in a pitch black space. He looked around, but there was nothing to see. He stood up, and walked around. Was he in that dream-ghost type state, again? He kept walking, until he saw a light pink glow. He ran towards it, but never reached it. 

Steven woke up, a cold sweat running down him. His body sore. He couldn’t remember what happened, since him passing out. He was in his bed tucked in, but the gems were nowhere to be seen. He got out of bed and headed to the restroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror, scared of what he was seeing, and confused as well. “Was this another dream?” he mumbled to himself. He had horns sticking out of his head, covered by his hair for now, as well as variant colors of purple spots all over his body. 

He sighed, and collapsed to the floor. “Great, more stuff to deal with. I bet the gems already know too,” he growled in a low voice. Then he had an idea. He got up, having to steady himself in the process with a sharp pain that came on his head. He went into the cabinet and pulled out the diamond bottles, as well as started a bath. 

After the bath was finished, he tilted one drop in, then he licked his finger and stuck it in the water. Nothing changed. He licked his finger again, nothing. “Gosh darnit! Maybe if I-” he started to step in, but was burned. He quickly stepped back out, crying.

He curled up back on the floor, grabbing his hair. He felt pain erupt all over his body, and he swore he felt something started forming in his pants in the back. He then heard a shred in his pants, near his tail bone. He reached back and felt a tail, which made him freak out more. He bursted out screaming from the pain that came afterwards.

Then Steven heard knocking, along with frantic cries, until he saw the door get completely taken down. Which just made him panic worse. He quickly stood up, and looked at the gems faces. They were all completely frozen in place, with looks of horror strung all over their faces.

Steven unfortunately didn’t have the strength to run away, and collapsed to his knees, filled with pain. He cried blocking everything else out. Only feeling arms embracing him completely, in warm hugs, only feeling them pulling back. He looked at the gems, cuts were shown over their bodies, looking like stab wounds.

Steven looked at his shoulders they were covered in big spikes, and he looked at his back too, but not being able to see it as well. He sort of could make out some spikes as well, which once again the pain made him pass out.

Steven woke up back in the empty room. Where this time he was closer to the pink light, so he ran towards it. For some reason in this state, all of his pain was gone. He saw a glimpse of what the pink light was, it looked like pink steven.

He woke up again, with a cold sweat. Only this time, it was day, his eyes adjusted to the brightness. He started sitting up, and then he saw Connie. Sitting there watching in excitement for him to be awake. “Gems!” She cried out, getting herself out of her chair and rushing over to him.

Steven flinched, scared of seeing the gems especially since he had hurt them. But when he tried saying something all that came out was a mumbled growl. He didn’t feel his normal teeth, they were all replaced with sharp gum type things. As well as he could see two tiny horns sticking out the side of his face.

Connie looked at him, concern hitting her hard. She knew Steven was probably going through a lot, so she stayed calm. “It’s okay, Steven. I’m not gonna leave you,” she whispered as she put her hand under his chin. “We can figure this out like Jam Buds!” she said smiling.

Steven sighed, and smiled, well what looked like a smile anyways. It was sort of hard to tell. He tried saying “thanks” but once again it came out in a jumbled growl. 

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