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Steven woke up, and as expected he had returned back to the mindscape or whatever he was in. He sighed, mentally and physically tired with everything, with the flashbacks. He looked around before deciding to do something, but saw nothing. He stood up and walked, talking to himself, trying to figure out how he should handle this. “Ok Steven, maybe go to Rose’s fountain with the diamonds? Oh god! Why didn’t I think of that sooner..” He yelled at himself, then saw a pink glow again. 

Steven ran towards the light, but it was just pink Steven again, except he was looking like something set him off. He locked eyes with him for a couple minutes, before noticing Pink Steven looking more and more like Pink. He slowly backed up, not wanting to actually face her. “This is just another nightmare! I’ll wake up and find the gems and fix all of this,” he shouted looking down, not willing to face the now fully formed Pink.

Pink put her hand on Steven’s shoulder, making him step back and look up at her out of fear. She had soft eyes, and looked disappointed in herself rather than him. Steven didn’t know what to do or how to react. He couldn’t tell if this was actually a nightmare or not, but it scared him, it set him off. He had to get his anger out on her. There she was and there was anger, the timing matched very well.

Steven threw the first punch, setting Pink back. She wasn’t prepared for Steven to fight her, she didn’t think he would even be angry at her, which was a pretty stupid thought. She quickly stood up for herself though, knocking Steven down. Whether this was real or not, it sure as hell hurt both of them. Steven bruised and blood running nose, Pink didn’t have any physical damage other than scratches. Pink walked over to him, furious, and then stomped on him.

Steven woke up, he was in the hole again. He was so stressed out from the fight, but frantically ran back to where he first woke up, trying to remember which way it was. If he could just forget all about her, then all his problems would be fixed, if she never existed. Many thoughts haunted him as he came to the spot, but no gems were there. So he sat, determined to help himself for the first time. Determined to get rid of her from him, but first he needed to be healed.

“I’m going off with Pearl for her daily check-up to see if Steven’s back yet,” Connie said as she grabbed her stuff, set to wait there all day. She nodded towards Amethyst who was sitting with Garnet. Then walked to Pearl at the warp pad, hoping today was the day he was gonna come back, hoping today was the day they could help him. Off they went.

Steven looked towards the warp pad, seeing it activate, and immediately standing up, excited for them to finally be back. He was tired of being alone, being so alone. He saw Connie and Pearl look up at them with joy. He kneeled down, thinking of how to tell them. Then he thought of finding a rose and using symbols to say something, but he didn’t want to leave them. 

Connie was joyed to finally see Steven, she could tell he was excited too. She wondered how long he had been there, as he kneeled to her, she ran up and hugged him. He looked ready to finally get this over with, which made her even more excited. Finally, some progress was getting made with him after all these months of suffering.

Steven huffed in her face as a joke, happy as well to finally see her. He missed her cute smile, her warm heart. He quickly stood up, making sure to be careful, then used his tail to make a diamond symbol, trying to get them to call for the diamonds. He was going to set his plan into action, no matter how long it took. This was it, this is the end of Pink Diamonds terror on everyone.

so ya’ll see that new promo
cough cough Stevens getting corrupted, change my mind.

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