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Steven was rushed by many questions from the gems, mainly consisting of “Are you okay?” and “Why didn’t you tell us?” The gems were so glad he was back, but he knew once the diamonds lifted his hand he would be back to that god awful state. He felt so tired and overwhelmed, he just wanted to sleep.

Steven took a deep breath and finally met eyes with the gems, “Look, I can’t explain everything. None of this was your guys fault either. There’s just so much that led to this..” He said, trying to get used to using his voice again for a short time.

Steven looked and locked eyes with Connie, he could tell that the scratch was going to leave a scar. Just like all his other friends, Lars, Sadie. He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, guilt overcoming again. He looked towards the ground and mumbled “Connie, I’m so sorry.”

Connie was delighted to have Steven back, but to hear how guilt ridden he was, broke her heart. She rushed over to him and pulled him into a hug, squeezing him. “It isn’t your fault, Steven,” She whispered to him, until she heard a voice say stand back.

The Diamonds had to pull back their hand from Steven, it was too much energy without Pink’s energy, since Pink had the healing power. They could only do so much. White was the last one to pull back, feeling bad for Steven. For a second nothing happened, but then the corruption slowly came back. 

Everyone could only watch as Steven suffered going through all the pain over again. Pearl turned around, not being able to watch. Garnet hugged herself, trying to hold herself together. The Diamonds stood back. Blue holding her breath, yellow cringing, and white just staring.

Steven opened his eyes again, everything had been back to previously. He was a tad sore from going through that again. Steven looked the diamonds in the eyes, especially White, then he ran.

This time Steven would get away, he couldn’t burden them more than he already had. He needed some time to figure out what to do, how to get back to normal. He knew he wouldn’t be gone forever, either he’d find them again or they would find him, he just hoped they would leave him alone for a bit. 

Steven thought of what he had, and what he could do to find this, or possibly face his problems, but that would be a last resort. So, he had the CHAAPS, himself, and his mental thoughts, time to get to work.

// sorry for the shorter chapter //

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