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Finally, school has ended. I can now go home and play Xbox.

I start walking home as soon as the bell goes, I know it's not healthy to game right after school until I have to go to sleep but does it look like I give a shit?

Xbox is my escape.

Wow deep thoughts with Luna.

- - - -

I insert Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2, into my xbox, and get ready to kill some campers.
(players that hide in one spot and rack up them kills) Fuckin hate em.

"HAAAA. BIIIIIITCH." I yell into my mic, i am currently 14-3 (kill- death ratio) which is great if you ask me. The game isn't even over yet.

"Do you mind shutting up for at least one game?" xbox user Nakahashi says.

"Excuse me?" I say, offended. I hate it when people are so rude on Xbox

"Sweetie, i'm politely asking you to shut your mouth for just one game."

"Um .. No thanks. I like to brag that I just murdered your ass." I say.

"OoooooOoO." The others with mics say.

I laugh.

That shuts Nakahashi up.

I continue playing and Nakahashi has killed me 5 times while I haven't killed him once.

"Come out you camper." I direct to Nakahashi.

"I'm not a camper, unlike you."

"Bruh, I'm literally running around the map like an idiot. You would know, since you've killed me 5 times."

He chuckles.

I finally kill him upstairs in a room, might i say i had quick scoped him. which was very impressive, not bragging or anything.

(quick scope: a very quick scope kill with a sniper)

"Try hard." he says.

I smirk.



I look at my phone, 11;30pm. I've been playing about 6 hours.


"Look guys I've had fun playing but I have to go to bed."

They groan.

"Lunatic nooo."

Yes, my gamertag is Lunaticx8 simply because my name is Luna, and I don't know I guess I like the number 8?

"Sorry guys, I have to go to hell-- I mean school tomorrow. I promise I'll message you guys when I get home tomorrow and we'll play. I'll kick your asses." I say with a smirk.

Nakahashi has left your xbox party

"Well bye to you too Nakahashi," I say "goodnight guys."


hey guys !! my name is migisi and this is my new fanfic, i would really appreciate it if you gave me your opinions, and voted!

if you have any questions on the "call of duty" terms just ask and i'll explain.
i like to think that i made this story up myself but there's probably someone out there with the same plot as this.
ok first A/N done. bye :-)

Gamers // Michael Clifford AUWhere stories live. Discover now