Class 3E- The *end* class?

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Professor Bitch slammed to ruler down hard on Nagisa's desk. He winced, looking up into her angry face. "Yes," he replied solemnly. "Good." She said satisfied. Returning to the board, Irina started writing up English verbs as fast as she could.

Nagisa sighed and resumed his staring out the window. Today was going to be the worst day of his life. He was going to work as a maid.

Yes. A maid.

Nagisa wondered why he could not be born like everyone else. He was forced to grow out his hair long and he was literally the shortest guy in his grade. It was his mother's fault that he was even agreeing to this. The company he worked for asked if Nagisa had wanted to work there (not knowing he was a boy obviously) and his mother excitedly signed him up.

And now here he was. Dreading the day.

Immediately after those thoughts had passed, the bell rang and Koro-sensei zoomed into the classroom. "Wha-" Bitch sensei stuttered. "IM BACKKKKKKKKKK! PLEASE READ CHAPTERS 6 AND 7 FOR HOMEWORK ". The rest of the class filed out of the room.

"Eh, Nagisa-kun!". Nagisa turned around. It was Karma. With Rio and Kayano."Where are you going this afternoon? Me and Rio are going to my house to chilllllllllll," he said.

"Er- sorry I can't, I have a new job today. Why don't Kayano come instead?" Nagisa replied.

"I'm going to my cousins house"


"Ok whatever. Bye Nagisa." Karma sounded a little- disappointed? No, Nagisa thought. He started walking back to his house to get changed.

At Nagisa's apartment

Hi honey, I bought your maids outfit this morning.I do NOT want to come home to find that you have not gone to work. I will find out if you haven't. Please wear your hair DOWN. Good luck on your first day!!

Nagisa sighed. Would be hard to get out of this one. He changed and looked at himself in the mirror.

No. There is no fucking way....

The skirt was way to short and frilly and the socks were just horrible and ran all we way up past his knees. The headband kept flopping forward onto his face giving him a sort of cute, lopsided look. No way did he want anyone to see him in this... especially Karma....

Wait what does Karma have to do with all of this? I DONT like karma. no I definitely do not. His face turned bright red at the thought.

Pulling out his pigtails, he stood perfectly still. Then grabbed his phone and wallet and headed out the door.

The train ride was horrible. They kept on pulling his hair and flipping up his skirt when the thought Nagisa wasn't looking. Blinking back hard tears, Nagisa ran off the train and came face to face with a large house. He inhaled deeply and pressed the buzzer. "Hi... it's me Nagisa... the new maid..."

Hey guys!! I'm still new to writing this stuff so plz forgive me if it's not that good...
If you have any further suggestions for the series please leave them in the comments,
I hope you enjoyed reading


Is it love? (Karmagisa Maid story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ