And Nakamura finds out....

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??? POV

School... I haven't been to school since i don't know...

Since my parents stopped caring? Since I ran away from home?

I pulled out my knife and cut away my hair until it was stark short. Buts of dark red hair fluttered to the floor. I smiled. My hair brushed against my cheeks. Being an assassin was an easy job now wasn't it?

Sugino POV

Karma asked me here for some reason. More like Rio forc- I mean, asked me to check on him.

The front gates were left open. Strange.... I walked down the hall. "Karma??" I called out. Suddenly, Nagisa exited a room. Er- Karma's room to be exact.



"What are you doing here?"

"Hey? Nagisa? Who is that?"

I turned around and saw Karma. Wait....


Nagisa glares at me. "Chill bro. Nothing happened."

"We're dating."

"Karmaaaaaaaa." Nagisa whines.

I grinned. "Wait till I tell Nakamura!"

"No!" Nagisa tried to snatch my phone off me. Too late.

"What the fuck Sugino? I'm trying to sleep here, ooh are you at Karmas house? Who is that!?"

Rio swung her long blonde hair at the camera and squinted.

"Uh it's me... Nagisa..."

Rio's face went from annoyed and irritated to maniac and positively gleeful. "WAIT DON'T TELL ME-"

"Stop it Rio. We're dating. So what?"

"EEEEEEEEEE!" she squealed. "Can I be the one to tell everyone? Pleaseeeeeeee..."

Nagisa nodded. Rio ended the call and I got 12 notifications from the 3E group chat (god that girl can type fast....).

I sighed. "Wanna head? We can get to school early."

"Oh please, you just know Kanzaki will be there."

Just because I like Kanzaki.. she's cute ok?

"Shut up Akabane-kun."

/and with that they head to school/

Sorry I haven't uploaded much! School has just started and I have a lot to do! But I will upload as soon as possible!

-Author Chan

Is it love? (Karmagisa Maid story)Where stories live. Discover now