Chapter 12

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Kayano POV

I HATE Akabane. Both of them. Well one of them at least- I glance over to where Nagisa and Karma intertwined hands. Yep. Definitely one of them.

I sneaked a look at Kyoko. From her actions and expression, I could tell she was suspicious and untrusting. Well you would be like that wouldn't you? If you were a professional military assassin...

Maybe.. just maybe.. I could use her as a guide.


Ugh what the fuck let's do it- at least it can help me with my futures acting skills.

"So.. where are we going?" I ask staring at her.

"Just a night market that discovered with a friend of mine," she replied lightly.

"Oh! That's cool! You know- your a really good assassin, Bitch sensei told us all about you!!"

"Thanks, your not too bad yourself. Your quite fast."

I beamed at her. Making progress.

Kyoko POV

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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