Love hurts

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Karma POV

I slowly turned around to face Rio. "You nearly blew it Rio! What were you thinking!?" I snarled.

She gave me a careful look. "What? If you loose him...." She sounded as though she was being serious for once.

Oh lord. She means business.

"You just need to do something," she finished sliding down onto the floor beside me.

"Can you think if anything then?"

"I'll work on it..."

We sat in silence for a few moments until Kayano came to check on us. After they both left to go home. I was alone.


I checked my phone and started to text Nagisa:
K: Nagisa?
N: Sorry....
K: ???
He never replied after that. I sighed.

/time skip to the next day/

Bitch Sensei (Irina) POV

"Kurahashi! How would you tell what country a person is from?"
"Observe their accent and try to copy. That way they will be less suspicious of you as you will seem like a local." I smiled. Exactly what I expect from my best student.

I started writing out basic sentences in English and soon after the bell rang. I saw a flash of yellow and threw my knife- I missed.

"Nurunurunuru~ too slow!" Ugh he pisses me off so bad.

I walked to the staff room with that octopus following me. My patience is not my best quality.

As I was ranting at Karasuma, I looked outside and saw Nagisa, Karma, Nakamura, Kayano, Sugino and Kanzaki. Heh.

Karma and Nagisa seem to be drifting apart. They would be so cute together tho....

That octopus knew what I was thinking 'Irina, let's not interfere. I know they will be together in the end!!

I sigh. 'Your right. Let's get going then.'

Is it love? (Karmagisa Maid story)Where stories live. Discover now