The Elite Community Membership

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What sets the Elite Community apart from the rest is our emphasis on "community" itself. 

Unlike other book clubs, we like to keep our numbers small, cultivating a close-knit group that will help out with our writing projects in the long-run.

So, what's expected of an Elite Community Member?

Strong writing skills: Whether it be a high stakes adventure novel, or a world-building fantasy. A heart-wrenching romance, or a knee-slapping comedy. No matter the genre, as long as there's a strong voice, captivating writing style, and clean structure, we'll love it. We want our community to be a place where we can build each other's skills up through constructive criticism, but we want to be sure that the criticism is coming from someone who can also write.

A sense of community: Because that is a big part of who we are. We aren't looking for those seeking a few reads or comments to boost their ego. We want those looking for help, as well as new writing friendships. We want this space to be a safe one, where writers can connect on a more personal level. That being said, members are expected a certain level of engagement (and professionalism) within the community.

The desire to give back: One of our biggest missions is to help those outside our community by providing reviews, feedback, and honest critiques that help them grow as writers. This is an important aspect of being part of the club, so we want members who share that same belief.

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