Membership Profile: Crys

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Wattpad Username cjtruz

Current Work in Progress: The Liminali

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 31

More about Crys:

Why did you join Wattpad?

I joined WP seven years ago after writing a couple novellas, but then never had the guts to actually publish them. Last summer, I finally decided I might have something decent to share and maybe query in the future so I came back to WP to get some general feedback. After being active on the app for a few months, just sharing my story with others who connected to my characters and the whole interactive aspect turned out to be such a great experience.

Why did you join The Elite Community?

The Elite Awards was the very first contest I entered on WP and winning was so exciting and encouraging that when I saw they launched a community page, I really wanted to get involved to be able to give back to other writers in a similar way. 

How would you best describe your writing style? Design style?

I'm never sure how to answer this about my own style, but others have called it witty, disturbing, poetic, clever, creepy... I'm often inspired by the darker, uglier things in life so a lot of that is reflected in my work, but I always try to offset it with a good bit of humor in my characters or beauty in the setting.

When did you discover your love for writing? For designing?

Ever since I can remember, I've been writing stories. In the early 90's, my family got its first computer which was equipped with writing programs like Storybook Weaver and Echo Lake. At the end of first grade, I bought my first diary at a book fair, and boy did I have plenty to write about that summer as a seven year old. I've always been a very shy and awkward person, but I learned early on that writing and art in general was a great way to express myself in ways that I couldn't verbally.

Are you a first, second or third person groupie? If you're a graphic artist, what's your go-to color scheme?

Third person when it comes to writing, but no preference for reading.

What's your dream job?

I would love to get back into sculpting again and be able to do it as a living. Right now, writing has been great to quell my creative cravings while I balance family life, but I'd really like to eventually put my own workshop/studio together and get back into a more physical art medium. I miss the smell of burnt metal and sawdust!

If you were stranded on an island and could only read one thing, what book would you choose? 

I usually consider The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami to be the novel I can't live without, but if I were stranded on an island, a story with heavy themes of loneliness and isolation might not be the best pick. Maybe The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams to keep my spirits up or better yet, The Beach by Alex Garland since it could sort of double as a survival guide as well.

Be honest. Are you a dog or a cat kinda person?

I have a cat on my lap and a pit bull curled up next to me. Don't make me choose!

What movie can you watch over and over again?

Gia – but mostly because of the teenage nostalgia the movie personally holds for me.

What's one thing you hope to get out of this community?

Just the sense of community itself. Finding a group of like-minded writers to bounce ideas off of and exchange feedback with is invaluable in the writing process.

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