Member Profile: Bats

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Wattpad Username: frickin_bats

Current Work in Progress: Shadows in the Trees

Preferred Pronouns: She/her

Age: 20

More About Bats:

Why did you join Wattpad?

Initially I joined as a reader (free books!). After a couple years I finally felt brave enough and excited enough about my project to let other people read it. I wanted to get objective feedback from other writers. I also love editing and giving feedback as well, so it became a way for me to escape and relax from schoolwork.

Why did you join the Elite Community?

I wanted to get more involved in Wattpad and meet more friends. I also wanted to get more feedback on my project since I should be done with the first draft soon. 

How would you best describe your writing style? Design style?

My writing style . . . how does one describe that. I feel like I mostly just wing it.

When did you discover your love for writing? For designing?

I've been writing since I was pretty young, mostly really bad poetry and half-finished stories. I finished my first novel in eighth grade and I was hooked.

Are you a first, second or third person groupie? If you're a graphic artist, what's your go-to color scheme?

I like to read first person but write third person

What's your dream job?

Marine Biologist 

If you were stranded on an island and could only read one thing, what book would you choose? 

I wish I could say a classic or something, but honestly The Host by Stephanie Meyer. I've read that book so many times and I love it every time.

Be honest. Are you a dog or a cat kinda person?

I can't believe you're making me choose. I guess dogs, but it's really close.

What movie can you watch over and over again?

Stardust. Or pretty much any Disney movie.

What's one thing you hope to get out of this community?

I hope to get more friends and writing buddies.

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