Chapter 13

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Three weeks later

Will's POV

"Nico! Will time for breakfast!!"

I heard Nico's mother yell from downstairs and we both came running down the stairs to the smell of bacon,pancakes and eggs with a large glass of orange juice in a pitcher.
Long story short I've been living with the Di Angelo's for three weeks and my father has yet to talk to me, I see my siblings at school still and things at my house weren't going good because of my father. My mother visits me every once in a while to keep me up to date about everything that's been going on, but she looked stressed every time I saw her come over.

"William Dear are you alright?" Hearing Maria's voice shook me out of my thoughts making me smile nervously.
"Honestly just got a lot on my mind"
I said taking a couple of pancakes off the plate and putting them on my own plate along with a piece of bacon.

"Don't worry Will you'll be just fine" Hades answered as he stood up and walked off. The sound of the bus pulling up made us all grab our things  run out to the bus and got on. I smiled sadly as I watched the bus pull away from the house disappearing into the distance and I was lost in thoughts.

"Will we need to get off" I blinked hearing Nico's voice making me stand up and got off the bus while still holding onto Nico's hand, We walked down the hall in silence ignoring the chattering of the other students but eventually we had to get going to class. I walked in noticing that Percy or Luke weren't in their usual seats but I didn't pay any mind to it. Nico was quiet the entire time, didn't try to touch me or anything which made me pout. Nico's mind seemed to be somewhere else so I just paid attention to Chiron's lesson's. Thirty minutes later Nico raised his hand to go to the bathroom and was even more suspicious he took his backpack with him, Nico left the room without looking back.

Nico's POV

Sighing in relief I shut the door walked down the hallway to the men's bathroom where I saw percy and Luke standing there with bored look's on their faces. Percy was in his usual outfit of blue jeans, blue t-shirt with a fish on it and white sneakers.

Luke was wearing black sweatpants which were hanging loose from his waist, a white tank top and sneakers which wasn't too surprising because Luke sometimes wore stuff like that not that percy minded and I didn't either.

"So what's the reason why you've called us in here?" Percy asked looking tired seeing the hickies all over percy's neck made me realize why he was so tired.

"I need you two to cover for me here at the school make as many excuses as you can and collect all my homework assignments, tell chiron I threw up In the bathroom and sign a doctor's note, Please guys I'll do whatever you guy's want after I get this done I promise".

I said softly as they looked at one other and they smirked which I thought "Oh Fuck... what sexual activity's do they wanna do now".

"Well Neeks I think you probably have the idea what we wanna do if we cover for you"
Percy said as a smile slowly started to break out the same thing with Luke.

"Alright what perverts do you want to do to me this time..." I sighed.

"Strip, kiss and a lap dance" Luke said.

"You guys better pay me good if I do this..." I growled and walked out of the bathroom but not before flipping them off. I swear these boys were horny as fuck and I'm pretty sure it was going to get worse when they get older. Walking down the steps I sat down on the silver bench waited about thirty minutes for the city bus and got on it, I placed the money inside the machine and sat down.
The drive was about ten minutes pulling the string the bus stopped and I got off the bus and walked down the street until I saw Apollo's house come into view.
Taking a deep breath I walked up to the front door and knocked, Apollo came into view as he opened the door and he saw me his face looked more tired than every.

"Come in... Nico di Angelo" he muttered softly as he moved aside to let me in, Sitting down on the couch I stared at him, apollo sat across from me.

"You're here to talk about William aren't you" he asked and I didn't like how the sound of him saying Will's full name like that.

"Yes... but let me just get straight to the point here, You're way too controlling. You can't just let him be stuck inside a cage for the rest of his life. You gotta let him have some fun and freedom, I know you don't approve of him working at the strip club but suck it up, will loves it there and so do I but keep up the way you're acting trust me you'll lose him forever." I said in a bitter voice.

Apollo let out a deafeated sigh letting his head drop and looked up at me.

"I know... You're right about everything Nico, I don't mean to be a controlling father I just don't want him to get hurt or maybe it's because my father was a strict man as well. But I'll try to adjust to these changes and I'm guessing Will is happy living with you?".

"He is" I said and Apollo just smiled gently "Good..." He replied and I knew things were going to be ok.

My Faithful Readers I hope you've enjoyed this story. I'll leave it up too you're imaginary heads what happened next. Please and thank you 🖤💛

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