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Once again i will start
Once again i will shine
Darling broken could be my heart
Not my spine
-idk who said it but damn i love it.

Plagiarism is a crime
Plz do not copy

She doesn't speak
We can't figure her out
Let's her label her cold and weak
I'm pretty sure she's depressed.

Our harsh words don't affect her
But let's keep going with it
Let's push her to the edge
She's bound to break any minute.

Little did they know
She was far from depressed
She found comfort in herself
No one else

Every part of her is a diamond
Becaming the prettiest
When crumbled
Or drowned in demons.
All your attempts are futile
Your words falling on deaf ears
Why won't you just go back to your useless life?

How long will you try?
What are you going to do?
Claw at her diamond heart
And make it even more gorgeous?


I wrote this coz i was bored, and i ain't proud of it. Lol.

I'm waiting for my turn at some crap stuff at college and I'm so damn bored.

The seat I'm sitting on has like holes in it, me being stupid put my finger in and it got stuck, at least no one saw it happen.

And i love the above pic, i don't own it.

See ya

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