~JUDGES FORM~(closed)

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All those who are interested in judging should accept that the stories would be allotted to them after the genres are full. As soon as the genres gets full, each judge would be given their respective sets of books.



•Genre you wish to judge
•password: your favourite animal
•followed the rules?

1)ACTION / ADVENTURE (1 judge already there) Apollo2983

2) FANTASY (judge already there EliBees)

3) HUMOUR (judge already there) komal2016

4) TEEN FICTION (judge already there) AntiEve12

5) ROMANCE (one needed one already there total 2) ThatgoofyNerd and

6) MYSTERY/ HORROR (judge already there not needed) spero_ambrosia

7) SCIENCE/HISTORIC FICTION(judge already there) AryanPanchal9

8) GENERAL FICTION (Judge already there WomanBehindWords

9) SHORT STORY (judge already there not needed) Darasimi23

10) POETRY (judge already there) pettysmut

SPARKLE AWARDS 2020 {FIRST EDITION} - {PARTICIPATION CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now