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Haikuing Through Life (1st Place)

Total: 98/100

Blurb/Title/Description/Cover: 9/10

The blurb is excellent, nice definition of a Haiku. I really appreciated the extended blurb as well. That was a nice touch and very insightful. The title and cover are relevant and eye catching.

Writing Style/Tone/Rhyme Scheme: 39/40

Your writing style is brilliant. I’ve never been able to write Haikus but you do it so beautifully! The tone is spot on in each poem. Well done. 

Grammar/Vocabulary/Format/Spelling: 20/20

No spelling errors. The words were simple but the way they flowed made them so strong. Form was absolutely beautiful, it really caught my attention and kept me interested.

Theme: 30/30

The theme was absolutely brilliant. The emotional response was very strong. I couldn’t stop reading and finished your collection. The way you use such pointed and poignant words to convey such powerful emotion is just phenomenal. 


Thank you for putting together such a fantastic collection of poems. These haikus are so beautiful, I’m considering using some of them as my personal mantra! You have an excellent way of weaving words together. I couldn’t pick a favourite but I cant wait to read more! I hope you keep writing. 


mi3books - A Sneak Peek Into My Heart

Total: 96/100

Blurb/Title/Description/Cover: 9/10

Beautiful blurb, cover and relevant title.

Writing Style/Tone/Rhyme Scheme: 38/40

The writing style and tone is very clear and flows very well. The rhymes are there but very subtle.

Grammar/Vocabulary/Format/Spelling: 20/20

Spelling and grammar is fine. 

Theme: 29/30

Excellent themes, I love the diversity in your poem collection. I also love the deep stories you tell through your punching descriptions. It’s a very well put together collection of emotion.

Overall review:

The collection you put together is just wonderful. I love the blurb, the title and cover. The story you weave in your stanzas are amazing. The amount of description you can pack into a tiny space is truly amazing. I enjoyed reading each one of your poems. The poem ‘You Never’ really touched my heart and I related to all those sad emotions you expressed in your words. I had to read ‘Echo of the Past’ twice to fully appreciate the story you were telling. What an excellent collection. Very nicely done!


_miss_idealist_ — Garnished with love

SPARKLE AWARDS 2020 {FIRST EDITION} - {PARTICIPATION CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now