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1st- Bad- Tempered Heroes by @Hunter_Yonk

Description- 9/10

Cover and Title- 14/15

First Chapter- 18/20

Storyline- 22/25

Grammar- 18/20

Characters- 10/10

Review- Your cover, title and description are all eye catching and very intriguing. It introduced a really good start to your book. I loved your first chapter and felt that the mild humour within it made it better. Because of your great descriptive ability I was able to picture the scene of your book with your characters and imagine what was happening, like I was actually there with them. Your paragraphs flowed effortlessly and there weren’t many grammatical errors either so that made the ease of read even smoother. Great job! Good luck with your future works 😀

Total- 91/100


Time Out — harlowwinters

Description- 7/10

Cover and Title- 13/15

First Chapter- 18/20

Storyline- 23/25

Grammar- 18/20

Characters- 8/10

Review- Your cover and title I feel really set the paving stones for your story. I think you’ve chosen both the cover and title well as they match the description of your book greatly. I think this definitely gained you a higher mark. Your storyline I think though was my favourite part of your story, it was so intriguing and captivating, and it flowed brilliantly. There was little grammatical errors and spelling mistakes so that was good. Your first chapter I felt introduced the storyline of the book quite well but I felt that there could’ve been a little bit more description used. Overall though it was a great book! Good luck with your future works 😀

Total- 87/100


The Lost Journey by WomanBehindWords

Description- 9/10

Cover and Title- 8/15

First Chapter- 16/20

Storyline- 19/25

Grammar- 17/20

Characters- 8/10

Review- I love your title and feel like that really sets the scene for an adventure story but your cover to me doesn’t quite give of an adventure sort of vibe and doesn’t quite fit the description of your book. As you read on with your book, the cover starts to make a little bit more sense though. I think what gained your work a high mark was your storyline. Although cliche I must admit, it was unique in its own way as I feel that with your flexible writing style you’ve been able to make it your own somehow. The description of your main character’s, both their personalities and actions, were great and allowed me to really imagine your story. There were some grammatical and spelling errors but every writer has them. Overall, good work though! Good luck with your future works 😀

Total- 77/100


The Raphael Cup by ShazzWrld

Description- 4/10

Cover and Title- 9/15

First Chapter- 12/20

Storyline- 16/25

Grammar- 15/20

Characters- 8/10

Review- I’m gonna put it this way, I didn’t feel as if your cover and title fit your description that well. In my opinion I felt as if your description was quite short and could’ve been structured better. I’ve got to say I don’t think I would’ve read your book based on your description. There were some grammatical errors and spelling mistakes that I did see but those can easily be fixed. Your storyline I think gave you a bit of a boost with your overall mark. I felt as if your storyline was unique but I still think it could’ve been described better in your description. Overall, good job with your work though. Good luck with your future works 😀

Total- 64/100


Scars Of Yesterday by alvahmara

Description- 5/10

Cover and Title- 8/15

First Chapter- 11/20

Storyline- 16/25

Grammar- 16/20

Characters- 6/10

Review- Your cover is quite simple but cute, however I think it’s quite hard to see the subtitle at the top of the cover due to a small sized font. The content of your description I felt was great but I felt as if it could’ve been structured better. This is because there were quite a few long sentences and the word “and” was used multiple times in the same sentence. The description and book itself contained some grammatical errors and spelling mistakes but those can easily be fixed and improved on. Overall though it was a good book! Good luck with your future works 😀

Total- 62/100



Apollo2983 🏅


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