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Demon Cry - 1ST PLACE - Nicental

Description 9/10 :

Very attractive blurb. It's very engaging and pulls you in. It definitely made me want to read it.

Cover and Title 15/15:

The title and cover are exceptional! They are both paired perfectly to the story.

First Chapter 19/20:

The first chapter is very engaging. The little detail with the cup is just too perfect. That teasing bit of information made me want to continue to the second chapter. Very well done. I'd like to point out some formatting in this chapter, there's a bit of repetition when describing the little girl crying. I think you could explore a different way to describe that scene. Other than that, it's a beautiful first chapter.

Storyline 24/25:

The plot is fairly unique. I admire you for using something other than an instinctive bond to bring the two main characters together. I think that is very original. I also really enjoyed the two chapters of poems. That is so incredibly unique and really sets you apart as an author that has a bit of flair. The plot is very sensible and it truly grabs the reader's attention. I need to know what's going to happen with Amara and the Crown Prince. I want to know why he's so troubled and why his mother can't save him. Fantastic job.

Grammar 18/20:

There are a few spelling mistakes, however you did caveat each chapter with 'unedited'. I think it might be time to have a read through and fix those mistakes. It's not too distracting, it didn't make me want to stop reading. It would just polish this story a bit better.

Characters 10/10:

The Characters are very well developed. I really love how you used the poems to build the characters in the readers' minds.

Total Score: 95

Review: I knew I was going to enjoy this story the minute I read the part about the little boy stealing the cup from Pinocchio's wedding. I'm a fan of classic fairytales and folklore so that really grabbed my attention and sucked me in. For anyone who's like me and enjoys a bit of fairytale retelling they will really enjoy that about this story. It's hard not to fall in love or feel for the two MCs after reading the two chapters of poetry about them. It's a beautiful and unique way to develop the characters as well as give your novel a somewhat ethereal feel. I absolutely enjoyed reading this and four chapters is an absolute tease. Fantastic job!


A Monster Masquerade - Nax_00

Description 6/10:

The blurb is a bit confusing. I had a hard time understanding what the story was about. I think it would be a good idea to revise the blurb to make it a bit more clear. Otherwise, I would pass by this story and that would be a mistake. It's far too good to pass by.

Cover and Title 14/15:

The cover is beautiful and very eye catching! The title and cover compliment each other very well.

First Chapter 19/20

The first chapter is very interesting. The blurb makes perfect sense now. I like that the chapter pulled me in like the Hunger Games or Divergent. The chapter definitely made me want to continue reading.

SPARKLE AWARDS 2020 {FIRST EDITION} - {PARTICIPATION CLOSED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin