Chapter XII

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David got up from the table, furious. “Why would you say that?!”
“What did you want me to say?!”
“Well first convince her I’m not a cheater, that’s one”
“Look when I go over tonight to talk to her I’ll get a better understanding of what she knows and where her head is.” She walked over to him, caressing him. “You need to calm down, this could be good. I find out what she knows, I tell you, that way we’re always one step ahead.”
“What about tonight?”
“You’ll stay here or at the office and you’ll go home late like you always do.”
David sighed with frustration, rubbing his face, he said, “okay. I hope this works. “
“It will” she kissed him on the cheek, then the other cheek, then on his lips. He kissed her back deeply, he wanted her. There was no refuting their sexual chemistry, their passion, their love, it all excited him. He pulled her robe open and spun her around, bending her over the table. Scarlett used one hand to throw the items on the table to the floor. He was already hard, he slid inside her with ease as she was already wet, waiting for him. She screamed his name as he fucked her doggy style. But that wasn’t enough for her, she climbed on top of the table and he followed suit. She lay on her back as he climbed on top of her. He slid back inside her as she wrapped her legs around.  They fucked that morning on the table in her kitchen, both easing their anxiety of what lies ahead. 

“Hey I called A ’Marie and I got you a meeting with her at 2pm”
“2 pm I won’t be ready by then!”
“You asked me for a meeting, I got you one. Why would you ask me to set something up if you weren’t ready? You have lots of great work at the apartment, you’ll be fine.”
“Okay. Thanks” He was leaving her office when she said, “I told her you were an employee of mine who I thought was very talented, so stick to that story.”
“You coming over tonight?” He asked
“No. I have some stuff to do.”
“You okay?”
“I’m fine. Good luck today.” He left her office without questioning her anymore but it was obvious something was up with her. Nya stayed in her office for the next 2 hours before the luncheon event she was catering. It was during those two hours that she had time to reflect on the poor choices she had made thus far in her marriage. She then analysed her relationship with Nick. Nick Angelino was a typical starving artist. He bounced from job to job finding a way to support his artwork. It had only been a year since he walked in her office looking for a job. His long dark hair tied back in a ponytail, his bluish-grey eyes piercing through her soul. She could tell that he had much more edge than any man she has on staff. His “bad boy” persona made her a little hesitant to hire him but she wasn’t sure if it was his story or her intrigue in him but she decided to hire him anyway. Two weeks later, they had sex in her office after a late event.  Their relationship started from there as he brought out a side in her she had long buried. She however had to exercise strong self-control to stop the alcohol and drug abuse and now at this point she wasn’t sure if he loved her as much as she did. But she knew whatever was going on with David; she wasn’t completely innocent either. The day went by quite quickly. The luncheon she catered at the white vista Palm Beach club was quite a distraction, after the luncheon she spent the rest of the day meeting with 2 potential clients and going over the menu with Donald for an upcoming event.  She was now on her way home, she hadn’t spoken to David all day but the more she looked at it she realised that lately that was the norm for them.  She called Scarlett before she left the office; she was going to meet her at the penthouse.  She wasn’t home for ten minutes when Scarlett called her that she was downstairs. She let her up and she couldn’t have been happier when Scarlett stepped out of that elevator with take-out. 
“So tell me what happened?” said Scarlett after they sat on the couch with their chopsticks and noodles. Nya broke down crying. Scarlett rushed to her side, consoling her.
“I cheated on him” she said in between sobs.
“It started a year ago, it just happened” Nya wiped away the tears and took a sip of her water.
“You’re cheating on him?” asked Scarlett in disbelief
“Yes. That’s why I don’t even know if I should be mad at him. I mean this is my fault.” She got up and started pacing.
“Ok so let me get this straight. You’ve been cheating on him all along but now he’s cheating on u and you’re afraid to confront him because you think it’s your fault?”
“And how do you know he’s cheating?”
“Well other than what I told you this morning. It’s just a gut feeling.”
“But you have no solid evidence?”
“No but come on S. He never takes his work home anymore. He leaves super early every morning. He lied about being at the office when he wasn’t, I mean don’t you find that a little weird.”
“Well it does seem odd”
“I think I’m gonna hire a PI”
“What!! No I mean what a P.I can do that we can’t. “
“Yeah let’s do it. Let’s go FBI on his ass” Scarlett laughed. Nya couldn’t help but laugh too.
“So do wanna talk about him?”
Nya turned to look at her, “no”
“Ok that’s fine”
The two spent the rest of the night discussing their plan to get more proof of David’s alleged infidelity. Meanwhile David was at Scarlett’s house waiting on her to get home. Scarlett was on her way home trying to decide if she should tell David about the affair or not. She couldn’t decide so she decided to play it by ear. When she walked in David was on the couch finishing up some work. He got up and hugged her.
“I’ve been going crazy waiting on you.” He said. She wasn’t sure if it was the look on her face but he then asked, “What is it? It’s bad, isn’t it?”
“Come. Let’s sit.” She sighed as she sat down, she had to tell him but she wasn’t sure if her telling him was for her own selfish purpose or for him to be knowledgeable of the entire situation. “Ok so this isn’t easy, but I love you and I feel like you should know. Nya’s having an affair.”
David didn’t reply instead he got up and started pacing around the room. Scarlett couldn’t read his facial expression; it was a mixture of anger and another emotion.  Afraid to say anything else she sat quietly waiting until he was ready.
“Did you just say you love me?”
Scarlett who was a little surprised with his question, replied sheepishly and said, “Yeah”
He came over and sat beside her, taking her hand he said,” I was afraid to say it first cause I thought it was too soon but….i love you too.”
“Did you hear what I said, Nya is cheating on you!” now it was Scarlett’s turn to get up and start pacing.
“I know, I heard and yeah I’m shocked but I’m not that surprised honestly I mean she went from wanting sex 3 times a day to not at all. I guess I always figured she was but I was too caught up with you and work to really care I guess”
“So what now?”
“Well what else does she know?”
“Not much just what I told you this morning. She wanted to hire a P.I but I convinced her I would help her bust you.”
David smiled. “I can’t believe this” he sat slowly on the couch, burying his face in his palms. “My wife is cheating on me and I’m having an affair with her best friend. Fuck! When did my life get here?”
Scarlett walked over placing her arm around him, placing her head on his shoulder. “We messed up”
“We’re all guilty in this” After a while of silence he asked “How long?” his voice sounding as if it was breaking. This was the first time Scarlett saw the hurt in his face.
“Her affair. How long?”
“About a year”
“A year!!!!” he flew up from the couch, furious. “She’s been fucking some other dude for a year!! All those late night events, those meetings!!”
“Before you get so mad, let’s not forget where you are right now”
“I’m well aware of where I am”
“So you’re mad because she started her affair first?!!”
“No, I’m mad cause at the end of the day she’s still my wife!”
“And you’re still her husband” They locked eyes.
“You’re right, we all messed up”
She walked over and hugged him as he melted in her arms. After a while, she finally said, “you should probably head home.”
“Yeah. Ok.” He kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning”
“No. she might follow you or call the office again. So just go straight to the office.”
“ok.” He said glumly. He packed up his stuff and left. Scarlett drew away the blinds just enough to see him drive off.  After this she fell to her knees, sobbing. Her confidence, her strength all crumbled as she was now overcome with hurt, shame and confusion. Despite all this, she couldn’t deny the fact that she was still in love with her best friend’s husband.

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