Chapter XIV

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With the help of David’s colleague, Nya managed to get the video removed from all sites. Unfortunately for her the damage had already been done.  It had been three days since David moved out and three days since she’s been to the office. The few events that she had booked, she left Donald to handle. With the video down, her taking a step back from work, she had plenty of time to think. All her thoughts ended with Scarlett and how unfair it was that she walked out of this unscathed. She then decided it was up to her to give karma a little push. She called Scarlett’s office earlier and asked her receptionist, Allison to call her as soon as Scarlett left for the evening. She managed to convince her that she wanted to leave a surprise for Scarlett in her office and that she needed her help to get it in their undetected by Scarlett. She sat by the phone, waiting for the call to come in. She was determined to let Scarlett pay for her deceitful act; she wasn’t going to go through all this alone.  The wine bottle was calling her name but she knew she had to stay strong.  She definitely has had her share of temptations since the start of this whole debacle. She was however not going to allow herself to fall back into that black hole that Nick had seduced her into. As she waited patiently, she contemplated calling David. He only texted her once since he moved out and they haven’t spoken since. At this point she had no idea where there relationship stood or if they could even move past this but she did know that she still loved him. She was making her way to the kitchen when her phone started ringing; she turned back and ran to answer it. It was the call she’s been waiting for, Scarlett was seeing her last patient and would leave immediately after. She pulled her hoodie over her head, grabbed her bag and left. Despite her rush to get there, she was still uncertain as to exactly what her plan was. She knew she wanted to get her client list but she wasn’t sure what she was going to do with it. She pulled up at the diner across the street from Scarlett’s office. She sat there waiting for Scarlett to leave to go in, all the while trying to come up with a better plan. After about 15 minutes she saw Scarlett walking out of her office. Lucky for her Scarlett didn’t spot her car. She was happily on her phone, laughing away. She watched as she sashayed with ease in her six inch stilettoes to her car. She wondered for a second if she was talking to David. Not allowing herself to think too much on that, she got out of her car and made her way to her office as soon as she saw Scarlett drive off.  Allison was searching for something in her bag when she went in. With a nervous look on her face she said, “Mrs Woods. You have to make this quick I have to pick up my son from my mother’s”. Allison tucked her blonde hair behind her ear. Her blue eyes were filled with concern and worry. Nya who was suddenly starting to get annoyed, put on a fake smile and said, “Don’t worry I will just be five minutes.” She then went straight to Scarlett’s office; to her surprise it was much duller than she thought. It was the opposite of all the bright colours she had at her house. It was just a big room of brown blandness. Nya’s heart sunk when the obvious finally hit her. Scarlett didn’t have a desktop, instead a laptop which she brought to and from work every day. She quickly scanned the room looking for a filing cabinet or a drawer where she could have kept a hard copy of her client’s information. Luckily for her she did remember seeing a filing cabinet but it was in Allison’s small office area. She stayed a little longer, searching around for anything that she could use but found nothing.
“Mrs Woods” said Allison, who was growing impatient. Nya quickly came out closing the door behind her. The last thing she wanted was for Allison to see that there was no gift or surprise of any kind left for Scarlett. She smiled and said, “Thank you so much Allison.” She gave her a small hug and left. She sat in her car and watched as Allison locked up the office and headed to her car. She sat contemplating her next move.  She pulled out her phone and googled Buzz Online. Their reporter Jeffrey Burrs had called her when the news broke asking for a comment and  now she finally had one. She got the number and had her call redirected to Burrs’ desk.
“This is Burrs” he answered.
“Mr Burrs. This is Nya Woods; I think I have a story for you.”
“Really.” He said, intrigued. “I’m available now if you are.” She gave him the address of the diner where she parked and they agreed on a meeting. She went inside, ordered a coffee and waited for him to show up. As she waited she finally summed up the courage to call David but with very little surprise he didn’t answer. Shortly after a guy looking like he was in a sorority came and sat before her.
“Jeffrey Burrs?” she asked, skeptic.
“Yea. Let’s get this show on the road.”
“You’re a lot younger than I thought” said Nya suddenly regretting her decision.
“Let me guess, you thought I was short and fat with a huge beer belly.” He smiled. Nya didn’t respond instead she just kept looking at him, a slight hesitance to go forward.  Feeling a little awkward Jeffrey then said, “So you ready?”
“Yes” Their meeting lasted exactly thirty three minutes and Nya was satisfied telling her side of the story but she more excited with the backlash and the negative light that this will shine on Scarlett as soon as the story hits internet. Nya left that diner feeling revitalised but she had one more stop to make before she went home. She drove past her apartment building and straight to Scarlett’s house. She scanned the street quickly to see if she saw anyone. She got her can of spray paint and made her way over to her house. Her Tesla was parked in her driveway and Nya took her time to diligently and quietly spray paint “home wrecker” all over the car. After this she ran back to her car and sped off.  Tonight she would sleep like a baby.

Scarlett was having breakfast the next morning when she realised the force of Nya’s move. Scarlett who hardly went on social media realised that she had quite a few messages from her social media accounts. Apparently Nya had done an interview on a local gossip site and had told everyone that her infidelity was as a result of a drunken night she had after finding out about her husband’s affair with her former best friend, Dr Scarlett King. The site quoted Nya again saying, “I am not a petty person but I felt the need to tell my side of the story since I was the one facing the entire backlash for their mistakes.” Scarlett turned off her phone and chuckled. It wasn’t until after she got ready and was leaving the house that she saw the condition of her car. This felt like the last straw, she was now upset. She went back inside and called David. He had texted her a few times since he moved out but they had not physically seen each other since.
“Hello” He answered
“Hey, did you see the interview?” she jumped to the point, skipping the small talk.
“She’s just making things worse and she doesn’t even know it.”
“That’s not even the worse part. She completely spray painted ‘home wrecker’ all over my car. “
“Wait what!!”
“Yes! I can’t even drive this to work; I have to get an Uber.”
“Do you want me to talk to her?”
“I don’t even know.  I don’t even know why I called you. I guess…I guess you’re the only one I can talk to about this.”
“We may be over but I’m still here for you and I still love you.”
“I gotta go, my car is here. Thanks for listening and yes I would love if you could talk to her.”
Scarlett’s day went by with very little difference after that. She learned from Allison of Nya’s visit last night and had instructed her not to allow her back into the office. Other than having to explain the falsity in the story being circulated to a few of her clients, it was a typical work day. Nya’s plan had failed. 

Nick parked his old Honda at the far end of the parking garage. He looked at his watch; it was almost 5:30pm. As he waited patiently for David to leave work, he read Nya’s interview online. He couldn’t help but laugh. Nya’s sad attempt to save her marriage and her business was more than he could have asked for when he orchestrated his plan. What he was about to do however was the last part of it. He wanted Nya to feel how he felt; unsure of what the future will be like; no husband to lean on and thanks to destiny she also lost her best friend. He was tired of the rich getting richer mentality. In his eyes Nya did nothing but look down on him their entire relationship. Everything would have been fine if she had cared enough to help him, give him a push to start his career. Instead she used him for sex, a simple escape from her marriage. Nick looked around to the backseat at his packed bags. After this was finish he was off to Mexico. Nya being the snake she was would point her finger to him first and he wasn’t going to stick around for that.  His car was parked three  cars down from David’s. He was growing impatient, it was almost 7:30 and David still hadn’t left his office yet. He watched as a few other people made their way to their fancy cars. How he despised these rich arrogant bastards. He looked at the picture he printed of David. It was of him and his client, standing on the steps of the courthouse after a big win. He saw David exit the elevator and stepped into the parking garage. This was the moment he was waiting for. He waited until he was at his car before he got out of his. He slowly closed his car door, pulling the gun out of his pocket. David opened the door of his Mercedes and placed his briefcase on the backseat.  Nick looked around ensuring they were the only two persons in the parking garage.
“Hey David” Said Nick, walking briskly towards David’s car. David turned quickly, a little startled. The look on his face told Nick that David knew who he was. David’s look of familiarity quickly vanished as Nick held up the gun, pointing it straight at him. It took only a split second for him to realise what was about to happen. Nick however didn’t give him a chance to beg or plea instead he said, “You can thank your wife” and pulled the trigger, shooting David in the chest. David fell against his car, before falling to the ground. Nick walked over and stood over him watching the blood ooze from his body. He shot him again, not wanting to leave anything to chance. He then ran back to his car and sped off, never to return to Los Angeles.

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