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“I’ll see you later” said David as he picked up his briefcase and headed off to work. It had been a year since the shooting and he was back at home with Nya. The two had decided to work on their marriage but despite the counselling sessions things still weren’t like they use to be before. David moved back into their bedroom about four months after his recovery but their sex life hadn’t improved. David threw himself into his work and was working long hours while Nya had sold her catering business and started a non-profit organization for alcoholic and drug abuse. It wasn’t that either of them was too busy for sex but it just wasn’t something that was on their priority list.
“Bye” said Nya from the kitchen. She had taken a cooking class and was now cooking more. She finished up in the kitchen and was searching for something in her closet when she knocked over a box from the top shelf. A picture of her and Scarlett was the first thing that she saw among all the contents that fell out of the box. It was an old shoe box where she kept her favourite memories from her childhood. She sat on the carpeted floor in her closet and was going through the contents of the box when she heard David downstairs.
“Nya” he yelled from downstairs.
“Up here” she said as she got up and walked into her bedroom.
“Hey have you seen my cell phone? I’m due in court in twenty minutes.”
“No, maybe check the coffee table.”
David was heading back downstairs when she followed behind him and said, “What are we doing?”
David who was searching the couch for his phone, didn’t look at her but replied,” what do you mean? I’m looking for my phone to go to work.”
“No I mean with us”
David stopped what he was doing and looked at her, “Nya I don’t have time for this okay”
“See this is what I mean. A year ago you would never talk to me like that. It’s like you say you’ve forgiven me but inside you haven’t. I mean we’re here but we’re like roommates. We don’t have sex or any form of intimacy and let’s face it the counselling isn’t working.”
He walked over to her and said calmly, “okay so what do want to do? I mean you asked me in the hospital to give you another chance and I agreed. Don’t get me wrong I genuinely tried but you’re right counselling isn’t working. Things just aren’t the same anymore.”
“Do you miss her? I mean if you say yes I won’t be mad.
“I do...sometimes.”
Nya nodded her head. She then stepped closer to him and kissed him gently on the cheek.  “Go find her.” She whispered.
“What?” he asked confused.
“You two love each other and we obviously don’t have it anymore so let’s just let go of this farce marriage and we can really be what we are now…friends.”
He looked at her deeply with confusion in his eyes and he saw the genuineness on her face and in her eyes and he hugged her tightly. After a while he let her go and said, “I still love you and I always will.”
Nya smiled, “I know you’re just not in love with me”
David’s phone started ringing from upstairs and he looked at his watch and then rushed upstairs, answered his phone telling the person he was on his way.  As he rushed out, he kissed Nya on the cheek and told her goodbye. Nya smiled and said, “Tell her I said hi” as David rushed into the elevator. She took a deep breath and smiled to herself as she headed upstairs. For the first time in a long time she felt happy again, at peace. She went in her bedroom and took out a business card that she had hidden in the bottom of her top drawer. She called the number on the card.
“Hi. Detective Shaw?”
“Hi, it’s Nya Woods. I don’t know if you remember me but...”
“I do remember you Mrs Woods” He replied, curious yet happy that she called.
“It’s not Mrs Woods anymore, just call me Nya”


Scarlett had moved to the small town of Mancos, Colorado. It was a small, quiet, homey town where everyone knew everyone. She opened up her practice and was doing better. She didn’t expect to enjoy the small town life as much as she did, but it was great.  It was 5pm and she was closing up for the evening when she heard the front door close.  She came out of her office and said “I’m sorry we’re closed for the evening” but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that it was David. Neither of them spoke for a while but instead just stood there in disbelief that they were really standing before each other. The door opened again and a short woman who seemed of Indian background walked in with a baby carrier in hand. She said hello to David and walked straight over to Scarlett. She handed her the carrier and said,” I’m sorry Ms King I couldn’t wait until you got home. My brother called and need me to come home right away.”
“Oh its fine Sashima. I was just leaving. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Ok goodbye Ms King” the woman said goodbye to David and left in a hurry.
Scarlett walked over to the waiting area and sat on the couch, placing the carrier beside her. “What are you doing here?” she asked, breaking the silence.
“Well it took me three days to figure out where you are and to get here but I’m here for you…to see you”
Scarlett looked at him suspiciously and then looked down and said, “Why? Why now?’
“I don’t know. I think for the same reason you left. You owed Nya and complied with her request and so I stayed with her for the same reason. But over the past year things haven’t really gotten any better.”
“Does she know you’re here?”
“This was actually her idea. I guess she realised that our marriage has run its course and she told me to come find you. Oh and she says hi.”
Scarlett was about to say something when the baby started cooing and she lifted up the blanket that was placed over the carrier and unbuckled him taking him out and holding him in her arms. She looked at him and smiled, rocking him gently.
“This was probably a bad idea. You’ve clearly moved on with your life, you have a family and everything. I’m sorry I didn’t come here to mess anything up for you.” Said David, getting up to leave.
Scarlett who had her focus on the baby the entire time then said, “This is Matthew, my gift from Los Angeles and I missed you too.”
David turned slowly, a pale look washed his face. He looked at her and then at Matthew, a look of disbelief evident on his face.  Scarlett then looked up at him a bright smile on her face. He walked over to them, kneeling before her, his hands shaking as he reached over and gently stroked Matthews’s hair. “This is my son?” he finally managed to ask.
“Yes. This is our son.” Said Scarlett, her voice breaking. David looked at Matthew as he cooed happily in his mother’s arms.
“My son. I have a son!” said David happily with a loud joyful laugh. He looked up at Scarlett who then looked at him and as if no time had passed all her feelings for David that she had tried so hard to lose over the past 12 months, resurfaced as strong as ever.  David then got up and walked over to the window, placed his hands in his pocket and looked out on the small, quaint town. “I think you were right, this is a great place to start a family.”

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