Chapter XV

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It was a chilly Sunday morning. Nya folded her arms trying her best to shield herself from the cold wind as she waited for Theo Smith. She looked at her watch; it was 10:58 am. She looked around; there were only a few people in the park. She watched as a mother pushed her infant baby while her toddler followed closely behind. There were a few couples on blankets lazing around as well.
“Hey there doll” said Mr Smith as he came up behind her. She quickly turned facing him. He looked just as scruffy as he did the last time she saw him.
“I assume this little meeting was for your money. “ Said Nya as she went in her bag taking out her purse. She made sure to stop at the ATM on her way there.
“Yes but I also have these.” He gave her an envelope with the pictures he took last night.” Nya took the envelope from him and for the first time since she got there, she realised this wasn’t just about the money, he actually had evidence on her husband’s mistress. She stood there for a while, too nervous to open it.
“I can go if…” said Mr Smith realising how anxious she was.
“No its fine” she said. She gathered her thoughts and her emotions as she pulled the pictures out of the envelope. Unfortunately nothing could have prepared her for what she saw. The first picture was of David entering a house, the next was of Scarlett in her kitchen. She already figured out what that meant before looking at the other pictures. The rest of the pictures were of David embracing Scarlett, kissing her and them having dinner. Hands shaking, she replaced the pictures in the envelope and took out the money and paid Mr Smith.
“Her name is…”
“Scarlett King” they said in unison. Nya finishing his statement.
“Yeah I know. She’s my best friend”
“You know where to find me if you need anything else.” He said as he walked away.
Nya stood there for a while, her feelings all over the place. She took out her phone and called Scarlett.
“Hello” said Scarlet groggily
“Hey. Are you still in bed?” The evenness of her voice surprised even her due to the fact that she was boiling with anger inside.
“Late night?”
“Kind of. What’s up?”
“Could you come over for dinner later?”
Scarlett sat up in bed. “What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re giving me your fake voice.”
“No I’m not”
“Isn’t dinner going to be a little awkward considering everything you guys are going through?”
“That’s just it. I think things are going to be better.”
Scarlett became a little anxious, something definitely was up with Nya but she decided to give in to her request.
“OK I’ll be there”
“Great. I’ll see you later”
Nya headed home, with no intention of telling David anything. On her drive home she kept replaying everything in her head. “Was he with her every time he said he was working late? Were they sleeping together while she was living here? Scarlett sat and lied to my face this entire time.” All these thoughts ran though her head as she pulled into the parking lot. She got up to the penthouse and was heading upstairs when she heard David say, “Nya” from the kitchen. She sighed and started counting down from 10 as she turned and made her way back to the kitchen.
“Hey “she said as she walked into the kitchen David was seated at the island eating cereal with his laptop out.
“Where were you?”
“I just went for a drive.” It was a little harder to hide her emotions from David. She stood with a lump in her throat as she tried to fight back the tears.
“You ok?”
“I’m fine. Scarlett’s coming over for dinner later ” she was walking away when he said “so you want me to make something?”
“No we’ll just order in” she left him and went upstairs. She locked herself in the bathroom and turned the shower on to mask the sounds of her sobs. She looked at the pictures again and she couldn’t deny how happy he looked. She remembered a time when he used to look at her that way. Her sadness quickly changed back to anger as she turned off the shower and climbed into bed to take a nap.
It was almost 7 pm when Scarlett got there. David let her up and they shared a quick kiss, happy to see each other.
“Where’s Nya?” she asked, taking her coat off.
“She’s actually asleep. She’s been sleeping all day”
“Really. Is she feeling okay?”
“Yea she seemed fine to me. Have a glass of wine I’m gonna go get her.”
Scarlett made her way to the kitchen as David went upstairs to get Nya.
“Nya. Honey. Nya” he said shaking her lightly. She opened her eyes looking at him quizzically.  Scarlett’s here.”
She rubbed her eyes and said, “What time is it?”
“About 7”
“What!” she jumped up. “I’ll be down shortly.”
“Ok” He left her and went back downstairs.
Nya took the time to freshen up and change; she grabbed the envelope on her way downstairs.  As she came downstairs, she saw David paying the delivery guy for their Indian food. They headed into the kitchen and saw Nya seated at the island with a glass of white wine.
“There she is!” said Scarlett getting up to hug Nya. Nya tried her best to muster up a smile which she did but unfortunately a hug was harder to do.
Scarlett who picked up on her stiff demeanour asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m just starving”
“Ok well let’s eat”
The three sat at the table, helping themselves to some spicy Indian cuisine. It was a few minutes into dinner, when Nya broke the silence and said, “Well I have some news”
Both Scarlett and David looked at her. She then passed the envelope over to David who was unsure of what was going on.
“What’s this?” he said, taking the envelope.
Nya didn’t reply instead she just smiled at him. Scarlett who was observing her closely knew that whatever was in that envelope wasn’t good. She could tell Nya was upset. David took out the pictures, all colour leaving his face. Jaw dropped, he looked at Nya who only sat their staring at him coldly. He looked over to Scarlett and she knew just by the look on his face that their secret was no longer a secret.
“Well don’t keep it to yourself. I’m sure your girlfriend would like to see it.” Said Nya, her voice an eerie sense of calm.
Scarlett quickly looked at Nya. David then placed the pictures on the table for all to see. Scarlett who only glanced at them looked at Nya who turned to face her. Neither women spoke.
“Nya” said David.
“Shut up! I don’t wanna hear anything you have to say.”
She turned back to Scarlett.
“I… I don’t know what to say” said Scarlett, her voice breaking. Nya couldn’t hold back her anger anymore.
“Ok you don’t have anything to say…hmm ok” she jumped out of her chair and quickly slapped Scarlett across the face. David rushed over standing in between both women.
“Are you crazy?! What are you doing?!”
“Am I crazy?!! You’ve been sneaking around with my best friend for God knows how long and you ask me if I’m crazy!!”
“Sit down Nya!!” She looked up at him coldly, after a while picking up her chair and following his demand.
David then turned to Scarlett who was in tears. “Are you ok?” he said stroking her face.
Nya chuckled in disbelief and said, “You gotta be kidding me”
David who was now enraged said,”Ok let’s get everything on the table.”
Both women looked up at him, surprised. He took back his seat and said, ”Nya I’m truly sorry. I am. But how long have you been seeing Nick?”
Nya felt the floor fall from underneath her. She completely forgot that she shared that with Scarlett but she was even more surprised that Scarlett would share that with him.
David continued saying, “You’ve been cheating on me for a whole year before Scarlett even came into the picture.”
“You must be joking. It’s not about you cheating. It’s the fact that you cheated with my best friend.”
“Well I’m sorry. I truly, truly am. It’s not like I planned it or she planned it. It just happened”
“How long?” the tears now flowing.
“What?” he asked confused.
“How long? She told you how long I was with Nick. So how long?”
“A few months”
“While she was here?”
Scarlett got up to leave, sobbing uncontrollably. David got up behind her, following her. She picked up her purse and her coat when David came.
“Babe! Wait!!”
“No. Just stop. We can’t do this right now.”
She was walking away when he grabbed her hand, “wait. Let’s just talk this out”
Nya came in, folding her hands, watching him with her.
“You should talk things out with her” David turned and saw Nya watching them. Scarlett took that time to leave.
“What now?” asked Nya after Scarlett left.  The two stood there staring at each other, both equally unsure of what happens next.

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