Early (18+)

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Katsuki hated his biology. Hated it with a passion. Especially when it made him say such gross and icky shit like he said yesterday. 'Good omega. Want pups' blah blah bullshit! And he said it! To people! To the fucking idiot green hair and half'n'half!!

But it made him feel giddy, having them so close and in his nest no less. It made his omega preen in content. Right now, Katsuki sat in the corner of his nest, far away from the door. Eijirou's head resting in his lap, fast asleep. Midoriya and Todoroki laid in front of the door, protecting their omega and pup from any danger. It made Katsuki purr in content. He then shook his head and growled. That was his heat talking. He was not getting giddy over the alphas.

He liked them, but he was not going to get all giddy and love sick over them like some pussy omega. Eijirou shifted in his lap and Katsuki rested his hands on his friends cheek, cooing gently to calm him down. Eijirou settled back into his lap and sighed in content. Katsuki watched him quietly, smiling softly in amusement before he leaned his head back, taking in the thick scents of the alphas in the room. He fell asleep, happy.


Izuku lead the way to the dining hall, his mate and two future mates were behind him. He went to the line and they got their food before going to sit down and eat. Izuku was excited. He had a Luna. Well, will have a Luna. Bakugou agreed to be his and Shoto's omega. He wanted to further discuss it with the omega though he wished to do so without Kirishima present. He liked the pup and planned to court him when he was of age, though he was still a pup so talking about mating in front of him was a bit awkward to Izuku. He also didn't want to spark any jealousy since Kirishima made it very clear that he was attached to Bakugou.

Bakugou's eyes flicked up to meet his and the wine red eyes narrowed and he stuck his tongue out before shoving some food in his mouth. Izuku smiled in amusement and glanced to Shoto who was watching Bakugou with an amused smile. Izuku looked back to the the two and hummed

"Since you two will be staying with our pack, we're going to move you deeper into the pack house." Izuku spoke as they ate. "Are we moving in with you?" Bakugou asked after swallowing, adding more food into his mouth after speaking. Izuku paused and sucked on his lip, thinking it over. "We could move into one of the family rooms though those are usually left for mated couples and their pups." Izuku explained as Shoto leaned into his side, having finished his food.

"And? I'm going to be your omega and Kirishima is my pup." Bakugou huffed, setting his fork down to stare at Izuku. Kirishima pouted at being called the omegas pup. "You're right about that. I'll speak to my father about moving into one of the family rooms." He ventured.

"You really want to be our omega?" Shoto asked curiously, readjusting himself so his chin rested on Izuku's shoulder, arms around his mates waist as he stared at Bakugou. "Why not? Your both attractive and strong though I can still kick your asses. I wouldn't mind being mated to you two. I'm tired of being alone and unmated so I don't plan to wait. I don't even really care about courting so we could bond tonight if you two aren't too scared."

"Ah yeah, we are too scared. Shoto and I didn't have a choice when it came to bonding with each other but we want you to make sure we're what you really want." Izuku spoke gently. Bakugou scoffed. "You are. Trust me. Fine, don't bond me tonight but you two better do it before I go into heat again or I'll find a different alpha." Bakugou warned.

Izuku growled softly along with Shoto. The idea of someone else bonding their omega didn't make them happy. Bakugou smirked in amusement. He liked filing them up.

Kirishima cleared his throat and looked away, uneasy with what was being discussed. He tried his best to ignore it. Izuku huffed abs gently untangled himself from his mate, standing up and leaving the table to go speak to his father. Bakugou was going to be such an interesting omega to have. Especially as their Luna.

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