Chapter 1

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"I have had enough of those lords! GAHHH!"

Magor yelled and threw a big rock at the wall. Two soldiers that were close to the wall, backed away quickly. 

The rock hit the wall so hard, that the sound could be heard through the kingdom.

A few seconds later, Andrall walked into the throne room. He saw his master. 

Andrall walked over to his master and put his arm on Magor's shoulder, trying to calm him.

"Master, please calm down" Andrall said, looking a bit scared.

"Get away from me, Andrall!" Magor yelled, and as he said that, andrall backed a few steps away from his master.

"Why are you even here?! What is it?!" Magor asked.

"Well, my lord you see. We found something" Andrall said.

Magor looked confused and interested at the same time. 

"What did you find?" Magor asked.

"One of our scouting groups found, let's just say a rock the swamp kingdom" Andrall said.

"The swamp kingdom..." Magor said

Andrall nodded.

"Keep going" Magor said, wanting to hear more.

"So, we were thinking that you might wanna visit it. I mean it might be important" Andrall said.

Magor thought for a minute.

"Fine, I might need some fresh air. I've been in this place for a long time now" Magor said and followed andrall.

To be continued.

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