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It had been four years.

Four years since I last saw Harry. Four years since I last hugged him, four years since we laughed or cried together.

Four years since we said goodbye.

Needless to say, I was shocked when my mom had told me the Style's-Twist family was coming to stay with us on their vacation to New York. Through the years Anne, Robin and Gemma had come to see us, but the time we had together was always limited to three or four days when they were travelling to see Harry.

Our parents had been friends since what seemed like forever; our mom's met when they were kids while my mom was living in Chesire with my grandparents, (they moved around a lot, but decided to settle in the UK for a few years). When her and Anne met they became inseparable, and it made my mom sad to leave, but they ended up staying in touch.

How did we end up in New York? Well, my mom was a well-known lawyer and had gotten a permanent job offer here a few years after I was born. She made good money, so it wasn't too hard for her and Anne to stay in contact with each other. At least once every couple months Anne and her family would come here or we would go there, and every summer I would stay with their family or Harry would come stay with mine, and because of our parents,  naturally Harry and I became best friends.

Seeing them so often came to a stop a couple years after Harry auditioned for X-Factor and his career took off, we still got to see them, but it ended up being once a year instead of once a month.

The last time I saw Harry, was when he was 20 and on tour with One Direction. We grew apart, but every time we saw each other it was like we never left. We were grown adults acting like toddlers the few times he came to visit, and boy did I miss it.

Of course I knew that this time around seeing him would be different. We were older now. He had grown tremendously and became one of the biggest names in music, and I was so insanely proud of him, although I never had the chance to tell him that.

We used to be best friends, we skyped when he was on tour and texted here and there, but I lost his number years ago. I assumed that for the rest of our lives we would just be strangers, the thought made me sad but I learned to deal with it.

That was my thinking up until about fifteen minutes ago, when my mom told me that Anne, Robin, Harry and Gemma were vacationing and Anne had asked her to stay with us, of course my mom said yes.

I was terrified.

I was 22 now, I had my own apartment in the Bronx which was only an hour drive from Manhattan, but it became a tradition that I would stay with my family during the summer due to our busy schedules during the rest of the year. Plus I had recently quit my waitressing job and had nothing else to do.

My mom had said that they would be here tomorrow, but she wanted to wait to tell me because she didn't know if I still talked to Harry or not, so she wanted it to be a surprise. Saying that I was nervous would be an understatement, of course, who wouldn't be a tad bit nervous seeing their childhood best friend for the first time in years.

On the other hand, my mom didn't want my fourteen year old sister Ashley to know. She was only ten the last time we saw them and she barely remembered them, but back then she wasn't into One Direction, and it never occured to her that the Harry we knew, was the Harry Styles. She wasn't the biggest fan of him now either though, some things never change I guess.

"Anne just texted me, she said her flight gets in at eleven pm, so I'll probably leave here about ten to pick them up if you want to come with me Bella."

"I can't, Cheryl invited me to go out remember? Is Ashley going to be here when they arrive?"

My mom shook her head. "Her friends are going camping for a week and a couple days and they said that she could go with them, that'll give us a bit of time to catch up with them. I don't think I'll tell Ash that they're here until she see's them. She's a teenager, I have no idea how she'll react." My mom laughed. 

"How long are they staying again?"

"The entire summer, they leave a week before Harry starts tour I believe." 

My eyes widened. I'd have to be in the same house as my old best friend for two months? I was even more nervous now than I was before.

"Oh okay, I thought it would be shorter, you know with Harry touring and stuff,"

My mom shrugged, continuing to clean the kitchen. "Also, I know that you wouldn't do this anyways, but don't tell anyone that they're coming. It's already going to be a handful keeping your sister quiet, but I know they just want some downtime to chill and relax--"

"Mom, it's okay. You don't need to tell me, I wouldn't tell anyone anyways," I smile to reassure her.

She takes a breath and smiles back at me. "Can you make sure the guest bedroom is clean? Anne and Robin are staying in it."

"What about Harry and Gemma?"

"Gemma has some friends her that she's going to stay with, and Harry's gonna be sleeping in your old room,"

I looked at my mom, "What? Where am I supposed to sleep?"

"The floor in Ashley's room, I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Or you can take the couch." She laughs and ruffles my hair.

Mentally I cursed my mom, wishing that she would have decided against turning the other bedroom in the house into her office. It would have been nice to get some notice that we were having guests over for the summer... that way I could have planned my vacation accordingly.

I roll my eyes and get up from my spot at the kitchen table. "I'll keep that in mind the next time you and dad come and stay with me."

My mom laughed at my response and shook her head, "Go! Get cleaning."

I really didn't know how much the next two months were going to change my life.

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