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Suddenly it felt like the room was spinning. My anxiety shot through the roof and I forgot everything that I wanted to tell him.

It felt like everything was moving too fast and I couldn't keep up.

"I shouldn't have come I- I'll leave I'm sorry."

I turned down the hallway, ready to leave when he grabbed my wrist gently.

"Let's go on a drive so we can talk, yeah?"

I nodded and followed Harry down the stairs. He put shoes on and grabbed his keys. We both walked outside in silence, and got into his car.

I watched Harry as he placed the key in the ignition and pulled out of the driveway. I wasn't sure where we were going and I didn't know if he knew either, and as awkward as it was it felt somewhat comforting to be in his company again.

He turned onto the highway, sighing.

"I'm sorry Bella," He shook his head.

I saw from the corner of my eyes that he turned to look at me a few times, but I was too nervous to look at him.

"I don't want you to think that I'm ashamed of what happened, to be honest I'm still not quitr sure how I feel about it. I'm sorry for shutting you out, I just needed time to think," He took a deep breath and looked at me again before he continued. "And pictures of us floating around... it just didn't feel right."

I shook my head and finally worked up the courage to speak.

"You completely left me Harry. I just got you back and I thought I was going to lose you again, yeah what we did wasn't good but it happened and we can't change it. This entire time I've been waiting for you to come around and you didn't. Fuck I just.. I just don't know anymore,"

To anybody else this may have not been such a big deal, but it felt like the end of the world to me. I still didn't completely know how Harry was feeling.

"I was scared what you would think of me Bella. I didn't want it to change anything between us,"

"It doesn't have to change though Harry. I miss you, I just got you back and I-- I don't want to lose you again." Not being in touch with him since he got here was hard.

"You won't lose me Bella. Never," He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Can we forget about this? Like, never speak of it again? I want us to be okay again,"

Harry's face fell at my words but quickly he smiled and looked at me. "Of course,"


Harry took his hand from mine and placed it back on the wheel, "Are you tired?" He asked.

"Not really, no."

"Wanna go on an adventure?"

It wasn't even eleven pm right now, and after tonight I knew I wasn't going to sleep. Thank god I didn't have work tomorrow, or else I'd be screwed. "Sure. And Harry?"


"I love you, I'm glad you came here for break."

"I love you too Bella."

Harry drove for maybe an hour, during the ride we were both completely silent. His left hand rested on my thigh, while I looked out the window watching the town pass us by.

I quickly realized that we were in long island, somewhere that we used to spend our entire summers at when we were younger.

"Why are we here Harry?" I asked as he pulled into a parking lot by one of the many beaches.

"I thought it'd be nice for us to just walk around for awhile," He shrugged.

"Sounds good to me," I took my seatbelt off and got out of the range rover.

I took off the hoodie i was wearing, so I was left in jean shorts and a tanktop. It was quite warm outside for it being midnight.

I ran to the beach, kicking my shoes off and letting my toes sink into the sand. I hadn't been at the beach in awhile, it felt really nice. The last time I was at one was with Cheryl.

Cheryl, I really missed her.

I made a mental note to text her during the car ride home. I was hoping that I'd be able to make amends with her too.

The sound of a camera shutter startled me, I turned to where I heard it and was met with Harry holding his phone up.

"What'd you do that for?" I walked over to him with my shoes in hand.

"Can I post this?" He asked, showing me the picture he took. It was me, staring into the ocean with the moon in the back, captioned "bestfriend".

"It's cute, if you want to go ahead. Tag me though," I laughed.

If he posted this picture with that caption, maybe people would step back. Even though there were pictures of us kissing, maybe his fans would realize that we were just friends. I hoped at least.

Harry posted the photo, then put his phone in his back pocket and took his shoes off.

We walked around the beach like that for a few hours, enjoying eachothers company.

There was one thing that I was sure of after tonight; I was falling for Harry.

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