chapter 3

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I stay up in my bed thinking about a lot of useless things. Like what Mr Angry's name is and what he plans to do with me.

The door creeps open pulling me out of my thoughts, Mr Angry's head pops in

"Go downstairs and eat... maybe you will put on some weight.", he says emotionlessly.

I am about to yell at him for calling me skinny and I am guessing he senses it because he lifts his eyebrow

Dinner is ready Gina, you can go eat I think to myself pretending like he said that.

I smile at him and he just looks at me

"Thanks I will be down in a sec", I say but he is long gone.

I make my way downstairs and I look around before I finally find the dining room. My food is set on the table and Mr Angry is nowhere in sight.

I start to eat being hungry from not eating anything the whole day as I am eating I see a girl who looks a bit older than me wearing maid clothing and she is heading towards the kitchen.

"Excuse me..hey", I say to her.

"How may I help you ma'am", she says politely.

Ma'am?! Pfft...I am barely a Miss.

"Call me Gina... where is....He?" I ask not knowing what to call him.

"Who is ....he?", She knits her eyebrows in confusion.

"You know...the I am oh so rude and angry all the time", I say while trying to walk like him and the maid giggles.

"He already ate and spends all his time in his study", she says.

"Okay thanks", I say

"Anytime Gina", she says and smiles before walking away and I go back to eating my food.

I heard maids are Snoopy but this one didn't even ask me who I am.

Maybe Mr angry already told her that he is going to buy a girl. I think to myself.

After I finish eating, I stand up and begin to carry the plates to the kitchen.

"No please you don't have to", the girl I saw earlier says and she quickly grabs the things from my hands and puts them in the sink.

"It's no biggie, trust me I can do this. What's your name?", I ask

"Oh sorry I am Kayla", she says holding out her hand

"Nice to meet you", I say while shaking her hand.

"I am just going to get the rest of the things", I say before heading out towards the table.

"But you don't have to", I hear Kayla say but I ignore her

I carry a big bowl of Mac and cheese but during my turning, my foot bumps into a chair sending me flying to the floor and the bowl to pieces.

"Ooouu", I groan as the pain shoots through my body.

I hear footsteps and I see Mr angry walking into the dining room with his stone cold expression before his eyes widen at the scene but quickly recovers while I just look at him in shame.

Kayla runs from the kitchen and quickly stops when she sees Mr Angry.

"I clearly said, do not do anything I do not tell you to do", his anger filled voice fills the room.

Oh you are hurt, here let me help..I say in my head.

I just stare at him in fear. He walks towards me and my heart starts to pound, he grabs my hand and pulls me from the floor before dragging me out of the dining room.

"Clean that up", he says to Kayla which makes me feel guilty because I made the mess.

"It's not fair, I should be cleaning that up", I find myself saying in a low tone.

"That's what a maid is clean, so keep your mouth shut", he says and continues to drag me towards my room.

"Sit", he orders once we are standing at my bed and I sit.

"Now stay here and leave my things alone", he says before turning on his heel.

"I have nothing to wear to bed, I can't sleep in this", I say and I point at my white top and blue jean.

"Well then sleep naked", he says before leaving my room.

I will go see if I have an oversized shirt for you I say in my head.

I remove my clothes leaving me in my bra and underwear but as I am getting into bed the door snaps open revealing Mr Angry.

My eyes widen before I scream and run to the bathroom.

"Relax I have seen a naked woman before, I can't possibly be affected by... that", I hear him say in disgust.

"Well you haven't seen me naked!", I say

I see a white towel and wrap it around my body before leaving the bathroom.

"What do you want?", I ask in irritation.

"Speak to me like that again and I will show you what I am capable of.",he says in a cold tone before pointing to a shirt and boxers that he laid on the bed.

"Oh thank you...", I manage to croak out..

"I have no interest in seeing you naked", he says looking at me with a bored expression.

He checks my jeans and then my shirt before he walks towards me.

"Turn around", the look on his face makes me turn instantly.

He moves the towel down and checks the paper on my bra and he walks off.

"You should eat more...", he says before closing the door.

This man had a bad habit of insulting me, he calls me skinny... I know I am skinny but there's no reason for him to say least not like that.

I walk to the shower and let my thoughts run wild..
After my shower, I throw on the shirt and the boxers before heading to bed.

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