Charter 6: Eye for an Eye

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I was relieved (that's what I believed though) of the pain from my ex after sending that email. Like I said, I wasn't expecting a reply from him anymore. I know that he won't bother. I also know that I should move on with my life and just totally forget about him. Live life like he never came into my life once before.

So, I started to live again normally. Not thinking about him anymore. Not thinking about the bad scene the last time we were together. Not thinking about what ifs, should haves and other stuff that would only make me mad and sad.

It was three days before Christmas. I did not go home to the province to be with my family. I had no boyfriend. Poor me. Lol. Well, that evening though my neighbour invited me to go with them and spend Christmas in Manila with her husband's niece who is a good friend of mine. However, I declined because my nephew was coming over for the holiday. I should have wanted to go but of course I didn't want my nephew spending Christmas alone at home. Since I can't go with them, she gave me their Christmas gifts in advance. Aside  from her gift for me, she handed me another Christmas present. It was from her niece. Guess what it was? Baguette chips from Cafe France with luxury jams. Lol. It was neatly packed in a transparent plastic printed with "Cafe France" and tied with a blue ribbon. I just said a few minutes ago that I wasn't thinking of my French ex anymore but right there and then he was like right in front of my eyes! I couldn't avoid thinking, "If he's here, I'm sure he'll love this!" Then I scolded myself, "Stop it, you pathetic girl!" Oh yeah, I had to remind myself again that he no longer exist. In all fairness to my friend, I find it sweet that she bought something that's associated to the Frenchie (thanks Kel, lol). Anyway, I put it on the center table in the living room. I was still deciding if I'll eat it now or wait for tomorrow. I decided I'll have it for breakfast.

The next morning, I was in a hurry for work so I had no time for breakfast. It was 2 days before Christmas. It was also my last day of work for the year because I filed a week-long vacation leave. Hoping I could still get a cheaper fare and book a flight and go home to the province. When I went home from work that evening, I checked for plane fares from different airlines, however, it's ridiculously high. I regretted for not booking sooner. So, I was stuck at home with no vacation plans whatsoever.

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I didn't see any interesting movies or shows on so I switched my TV to YouTube and just watched Just for Laughs. I was enjoying the gag show and was totally on it when I heard somebody called out from outside. I couldn't make out what the person said because of the volume of my TV. I ignored it, maybe it could be at one of my neighbours' gates. I continued watching. Then I heard the voice again. So, I turned down the volume of the television a bit to listen closely if it's coming from my gate. I heard a knock this time followed with, "Hallo?" I froze. That accent was familiar. Not just the accent but the voice and how he said the word "hello". I was still processing it because I couldn't believe it when it was followed up with a slang "Tao po."  Yes, it's him. What is he doing here? I stared at the TV and I didn't find the show funny anymore. I switched it to a cartoon channel. I heard him say, "Tao po" again in that vivid French accent. So I got up from the couch to open the door. I didn't even bother turning on the light at the porch. When I opened the door, I saw him right in the middle of my gate. He looked creepy in his hoodie especially that it was a bit dark outside. He looked like a gangster... like in any minute he'll point a gun at me and force me to open the gate for him. Oh my mind is just full of those Criminal Investigation stuff.

I heard him say, "Hi."

What's this? Getting to know?

I replied with a poker face, "What are you doing here?"

He simply said, "To see you." I thought he'll say, "An angel brought me here." No, that's a song.

I answered dryly, "Oh yeah, I don't think you'd come all the way here to gather the shredded Baguette from the garbage."

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