Charter 7: Love Ain't Enough

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It's almost two months that I haven't heard from my ex since the last time we saw each other. I didn't also bother him after that. He also didn't try to get in touch with me which was good for both of us. I am happy being single. Free to do anything I want. Free to go anywhere. Free to date anyone. There's no boyfriend-girlfriend routine to follow. No responsibility of having to text or chat, "Good morning/afternoon/evening, how are you, did you take your breakfast/lunch/dinner yet?, how's your day, how's work, I love you, I miss you, goodnight, sweet dreams, take care," etc.

On the other hand, it's nice to have someone that loves you, takes care of you, pampers you, takes you out to movie or dinner, buys you flowers and chocolates, tells you "I love you, I miss you, take care" and all the other cheesy, corny and mushy stuff.

Anyhow, for now, I'm loving my freedom and independence. They say that lovelife will come to you when you least expect it. Who knows, my "happily ever after" is waiting for me in Korea. I'm going to Seoul in 2 weeks. It's my post birthday present for myself. I know I won't be having a romantic birthday date anymore, lol! I remember telling my ex about my plan of going to Korea with my friends before, however, I told him that I wasn't sure about it because I just went to Taiwan a couple of months ago. If I go, then it means expenses. He advised me not to go, saying it's a waste of money. I think I agreed with him at that time. It was like a "since my sweet bf told me not to go and I am a good gf then I'm not going" kind of obedience. I just realized it's pathetic! Lol

Be that as it may, let's go back to the time when my ex and I "totally" cut our communication. Yes, I decided not to talk to him anymore after our "forgive but not forget" meeting. At least, it was a good ending. No hard feelings toward each other.

My birthday was coming in less than 2 months. I didn't plan anything for my special day since I already spent some money in booking my Korea trip. I guess, I'll just have to make myself busy on my birthday so I'll forget that it's my birthday, lol. I did not even file a leave. I reckoned it would be better to be busy at work than to reminisce my romantic birthday date a year ago.

Luckily, a few days before my birthday, I received an invite from a close friend at work. We have the same birthday month. He's treating his two best friends who are also my friends. The date would be on the night before my birthday. I accepted. I thought it would be nice to catch up with these guys.

February 11 came and I met with my three friends at 9pm. We went to a nice rooftop resto-bar in Korea town then transferred to a native resto-cum-hangout place in Balibago after an hour and a half. It was a quarter before 12 midnight when we got there. We ordered some food and drinks. We were having a good time. Chilling out and having some laughs. I didn't notice the time when all at once they greeted me a happy birthday. Yes, it was already the 12th of February. It wasn't an alone day for my birthday after all.

It was a fun night. Talking, drinking and laughing. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate from my seat because I just put it beside me so I won't be playing with it while I'm with my friends. I wondered who it could be. I wasn't expecting a text from someone in particular. I picked it up to see who it was from. It was an unregistered number. I opened it. My heart raced. Wait a second, and why did I feel that? Stupid me! Yeah, tell me why? I did tell myself, "Silly, it wasn't your heart, it was just your pulse."

The message goes, "Happy birthday sexy girl,,, I cannot be with you but I will never forget you..."

I didn't want to assume that it was him but my heart, mind and soul was sure that it was him, lol!

Of course I didn't want him to know that I knew instantly that it's him the moment I read his message.

So, my reply was just, "?".

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