Chapter Three

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I ain't deleting this note because it's still explanatory ,I don't feel up to filling in the blank spots I just wanna get done editing so I can move forwards

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I ain't deleting this note because it's still explanatory ,
I don't feel up to filling in the blank spots I just wanna get done editing so I can move forwards.

So while I was writing this chapter, we hit a cow. 🤡
Moocow was just chilling in the middle of the road.
Bottom line is: a large part of the middle of this
chapter ( because i prewrote the author's note
and memorized the ending ) is gone because an
air bag slapped me in the face, and my Mac now
looks like this:

Bottom line is: a large part of the middle of thischapter ( because i prewrote the author's noteand memorized the ending ) is gone because anair bag slapped me in the face, and my Mac nowlooks like this:

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and i just got it. 🙃 and because my Mac now looks
like this, and they won't let me into the room with my
mom cause i'm fine and just wanna get the fuck— ( IT'S BOUT TO BE HANDS. ) y'all ain't gettin shit. you're gonna take what's already here and you're gonna damn well like it, cause ya bitch is mad as hell.


MASON HAD SUGGESTED that the group play the game as suggested that night, but the atmosphere just wasn't the same. Usually joyful and cheerful, they all just seemed... dull. All too nervous or tired to speak. Hopefully, they would liven up soon. Still, Mason didn't like this — having to speak for them, that is. "So we're gonna play Truth or Dare. Sort of. Well, they're gonna play. I'm gonna... watch. Anyway, the dares and questions all came from you guys. They all have two mason jars, ha, get it? Mason jars? Cause my name is— and they're— never mind." No one laughed. "Screw y'all, I'm funny", he pouted. Hal patted his shoulder. "Anyway, that's curtesy to Mrs. G. She's gone out on the town cause apparently she has a.. suitor."

Scott could be heard in the background saying, "That old lady is getting more dick than me!" Someone smacked him. It was probably Penny. The sound seemed to echo through the ghost of a house.

"It was actually a lady", Daphne snorted. For a moment no one said anything. You could hear water steadily dripping from the sink.

"You're never too old to experiment with your sexuality, kids", Thalia finally exclaimed. She couldn't stand silence. It reminded her of being home, but a home where Scott had shut her out. Shut everyone out.

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