Jason Grace's Death

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Jason staggered to his feet and wiped the blood out of his eyes. As he gazed across the battlefield, he felt numb. Bodies in orange and purple lay scattered around him, screams and the clashing of steel echoed through the air. They were badly outnumbered. Someone grabbed his shoulder from behind. He whirled around, sword drawn and would have sliced Reyna's head off if it weren't for her reflexes.

"Whoa! Easy," she said. Jason always felt guilty when he saw her, they had so much history but after Hera wiped his mind his memories seemed lucid, like a dream. Reyna understood that. She didn't try to force anything, or pretend everything was normal. She gave him space and for that he was grateful. Reyna had always been good at reading people. Which was why she was next to him. "You see what I see, right?" she said, "we can't win this. There are too many of them."

"That doesn't sound like you, Reyna.""I'm just saying what everyone else knows. I can feel their fear and hopelessness." "Mine too?" Jason asked, a small smile on his face. "I always knew what you were feeling, Jason," Reyna said, "since the day I met you." Jason stared off in the distance. He could see his friends, Annabeth and Percy were fighting back-to-back, Hazel had lifted a dozen steel spikes from underground and was throwing them with deadly accuracy, an elephant (Frank he assumed) was plowing through monsters like a bulldozer, Leo was driving an actual bulldozer, and Piper, surrounded by a pink glow, was shooting her celestial bronze shotgun into the masses.

They fought hard, but they were tired. "Any ideas?" he asked Reyna. She raised an eyebrow, "I was going to ask you the same thing." "I have a plan," he said, "but I was hoping you had a better one. Thalia mentioned a long time ago about how children of Zeus and Jupiter have the ability to go... supernova I guess. Normally we're  just a vessel for lightning; when we summon a thunder bolt it goes from the sky through us. In this case lightning comes from us. Of course I don't know for sure. It's not like I can ask anyone."

Reyna nodded. "Do you... know how to do that?" "I think so. I mean it feels like I could do that. I just don't know what that's going to do to my body. Unleashing all that power." Reyna met his gaze. "Jason, do what you have to. We can't lose this battle." He nodded. "If- if anything happens tell Thalia, Piper, Leo, everyone that I love them. That I love them too much not to do this." She hesitated,  then held out her arms. Jason wrapped his arms around Reyna, his oldest friend. "Of course I will," she whispered. He breathed in, and out. Then broke the embrace. Sword drawn, Jason jogged back towards the action.

As he ran, he prayed to Zeus. "Please dad, I've never asked you for anything, but this one time, this one time please do this for me, show me how to do this." Power began to course through his veins. The smell of ozone filled his throat until he thought he would choke. Then lightning exploded out of him. He leaped through air, hair standing on end, and landed with an ear-splitting crack. Lightning bolts flew out of his limbs, his eyes, his sword, filling the air with the acrid tang of burning electricity.

Monsters sprung to attack but Jason cut them down instantly, his sword became a lightning rod, a dealer of death. With each swing he killed dozens of monsters, each bolt made craters in the ground. The monsters seemed to realize Jason was now the biggest threat, and swarmed. He just laughed and swung faster. It was almost euphoric. He had unlimited power. But he could feel it getting out of control. It was tougher to aim his lightning bolts or even see beyond the flashing. Jason felt the power twisting inside him, gaining more momentum, flashes getting brighter, cracks getting louder until with a scream of anguish he unleashed it all.

The explosion sent lightning in all directions, dirt flew high into the air, and Jason came down so hard he blacked out for a couple seconds.When he came to all he could hear was a ringing in his ears. He tried to blink the spots out of his eyes but they seemed permanent. He felt no pain, but when he raised his hands they were covered with horrible electrical burns. He stared up at the sky, it seemed to weave in and out, sometimes blue, sometimes gray. Two faces broke his view. A girl with brown hair, a beautiful face. A boy with dark eyes and curly hair. His friends. Jason saw their mouths' move, the girl reached out and touched his face. Then everything faded to black.

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