Annabeth Chase's Death

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Annabeth felt the brick wall in front of her for any weaknesses. Of course there weren't any, Annabeth was strong but even she couldn't break through a wall of bricks. They were trapped. Frank gasped for air beside her. "Maybe I could turn into an eagle again and fly us out of here. Or maybe a dragon this time," Frank offered but he looked exhausted. Annabeth studied the pattern of the bricks. It was strong, permanent. "No," she said, " not anymore Frank. I can't run forever. Wherever I go he will find me. He will hunt me until I give him what he wants."

She smelled ozone, felt the crackle of lightning. "He's coming, Annabeth, we have to get out of here!" Frank began to concentrate to shapeshift but Annabeth gabbed his arm. "No. I'm done running. I'm the only one who knows where Percy is, and if Zeus gets that information he will kill him. There's only one way to make sure Percy survives. You have to kill me Frank."

"No, no no no," he stumbled back into the wall, " I'm not doing that. We're not doing that." Annabeth looked at him. Her gray eyes were soft. "As long as I'm alive Percy isn't safe. I thought I could outsmart Zeus, that I was somehow stronger. I let my pride get the best of me. But not now. This is the only way." "But you're Annabeth Chase! You can think your way out of anything, beat anyone, accomplish anything!" Frank protested. Annabeth shook her head. "Everyone meets a monster they can't beat, Frank," she said softly, "I just didn't think mine would be Zeus."

"You can't just give up, Annabeth," Frank said, "What would Percy want you to do? What would he-" "Percy isn't here," she interrupted, "but if he were in my place he'd do the exact same thing. He would die for his friends. So will I." Frank threw his spear down. "I'm not going to kill you. We're going to get out of here, find somewhere to hide. Then you can make your plan." "You're right Frank," Annabeth said, a new resolve in her eyes, "I should never have asked you to kill me. That's not fair to you. But I already made my plan." And before Frank could stop her she braced her knife against the wall and ran herself through with it.

Frank cried out and caught her as she fell, the knife sticking out of her chest. "No, no, no, no," he mumbled as he searched through his pack for ambrosia. "Frank, no," Annabeth coughed as she weakly grabbed his arm. "Tell my dad, Percy... tell them..." and the daughter of Athena breathed her last. "Annabeth noooo!" screamed Frank, her blood sticky on his hands. He heard another crash of lightning, felt the approach of Zeus. His eyes turned to smoldering fire as he stood up, Annabeth's body seemed weightless. "I will end you, Zeus," he snarled, as he transformed into a dragon, red instead of gray. With Annabeth's body in one claw he flew west to San Francisco.

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