Percy Jackson's Death

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Percy grinned at Grover on the other side of the booth. "Just like the old times, yeah?" he said as he took a huge bite of his burger. Grover snorted, "I still don't know how you managed to find a restaurant in New York called Aunty M's that serves both burgers and enchiladas." Percy leaned back against his seat. "I'm special that way. Apparently the owners name is Mandy, I met her yesterday and she seems like a great lady," Percy countered. "Besides, I don't see you complaining, if you ate those enchiladas any faster you'd blow like Mount St. Helens.

Grover raised his eyebrows. Percy winced. "Yeah, bad joke. Enough of that! Tell me everything, how's California been?" Grover pushed his clean plate aside. "It's bad Percy. What's happening to the planet is... unacceptable. Maybe irreversible. California is only one of many effected places. I think I'm failing, I'm not Pan, I can't live up to that. I might be the Lord of the Wild but there's not much wild left in the world." "Hey, hey don't say that," Percy said, "Grover, you're incredible. Maybe it's small steps, but you are fighting it! You-" He felt a sharp pain in his ankle. He looked down just in time to see a black reptilian head disappear behind his booth.

"Percy what-" Grover started to say as the restaurant exploded into chaos. "SNAKE!!" screamed a kid from across the room as the snake reared it's head, now fully in view. It lashed its body out, smashing windows and upending tables. At least 15 feet long and 2 feet around, it was an impressive sight, it's black scales glittering like obsidian in the afternoon sun. Without thinking Percy uncapped riptide, leapt over the back of the booth, and sliced its head off. Black sludge exploded out of its neck, coating tables , the floor, and Percy. Grover, who had fought his way through screaming customers, stood by Percy. "Nice," he said.

Percy laughed and wiped his hand on Grover's shirt. "It always ends up like this for us, doesn't it." Grover smiled. "At least it wasn't hydra sludge." "And no Clarisse with canons either," Percy smirked. He turned to walk out the door, but felt another sharp pain in his ankle. He lifted his pant leg and saw two oozing holes. A snake bite. Everything seemed to be tinted yellow, Grovers face zoomed in and out, and Percy felt weightless. He processed everything in flashes. Grover carrying him the car. His mom's foot steps down the stairs.

At one point he became conscious, he was laying in the backseat of Paul's Prius, his mom driving, Grover next to him. He laughed deliriously. "Just like the good old days." Grover gripped his shoulders and said something but Percy just saw his mouth moving, the intensity in his eyes. Then he blacked out again. Other things flashed by. A boy with blond curly hair working over him. Will Solace. A fly making lazy circles against the ceiling. Someone holding his hand. Annabeth. Then his mom. His ankle felt like a giant pulsing oven.

He saw Will drop his surgical knife and nectar, bury his head into a boy with black hair's neck. "I can't stop this." He stared into the boy's dark eyes. Nico di Angelo. Anguish on his face. A familiar expression. He woke up again. Everyone was gathered around him. He held Annabeth's hand on his left, his mom's in his right. He looked at all the faces. Thalia's startling blue eyes, her arm around Grover's shoulders, Connor and Travis standing together, Chiron's unreadable expression, Rachel's painted jeans, Jason, Piper, and Leo next to the romans, Hazel, Frank, and Reyna.

Tyson's eye was red, tears flowing freely down his face. "Brother no," he whispered over and over again. Paul stood behind Sally, Estelle balanced on his hip, Nico and Will stood together, and in the back, behind everyone was another familiar face. Clarisse. He knew he was dying. He could feel the poison racing in his veins. But looking at all family and friends, he felt ready to go. Everyone would be ok. He let go of Annabeth's hand and reached into his pocket to pull out riptide. He placed it in Annabeth's hand. "I want you to have it," he whispered. She nodded, her beautiful gray eyes red but determined. He had seen that face many times.

He was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. He loved her. He wanted to go college, get married, have kids, watch his friends get old. But he never would. He tuned to his mom, to Paul and Estelle. "Mom I don't want to go, not yet," he choked, "mom please, I- I don't-". "Shhhh Percy," his mom whispered as she ran her fingers through his hair. "We'll be ok, you can rest now." Percy looked into his mom's eyes. He saw only love and pride. He nodded. As he faded away he saw one last image: a well-tanned man with dark hair and green eyes standing at the back of the room. He raised his trident like a toast to Percy. Then everything faded to black.

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